Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal
   Expected results from this subject
Expected results from this subject Training and Learning Results
3R. 2018 Be conscious of the multidisciplinary context of the engineering. 4R. 2018 Capacity to #analyze products, processes and complex systems in the his field of study; choose and apply analytical methods, of calculation and experimental *relevantes of form *relevante and interpret correctly the results of these analyses. 5R. 2018 Capacity to identify, formulate and resolve problems of engineering in the his speciality; choose and apply analytical methods, of calculation and experiments properly established; Recognize the importance of the social restrictions, of health and security, environmental, economic and industrial. 6R. 2018 Capacity to project, design and develop complex products (pieces, component, products finished, etc.), processes and systems of the his speciality, that fulfil the requirements established, including the knowledge of the social aspects, of health and environmental security, economic and industrial; as well as select and apply methods of appropriate project. 7R. 2018 Capacity of the project using any knowledges advanced of the his speciality in engineering. 8R. 2018 Capacity to realize bibliographic researches, consult and use databases and other sources of information with discretion, to realize @simulación and analysis with the objective to realize investigations on technical subjects of the his speciality. 9R. 2018 Capacity to consult and apply codes of good practices and security of the his speciality. 11R. 2018 Understanding of the techniques and methods of analysis, project and applicable investigation and his limitations within the scope of the his speciality. 12R. 2018 practical Competition to resolve complex problems, realize complex projects of engineering and realize specific investigations stop his speciality. 13R. 2018 Knowledge of the application of materials, teams and tools, technological processes and of engineering and his limitations within the scope of the his speciality. 15R. 2018 Knowledge of the social implications, of health and security, environmental, economic and @industrial of the practice in engineering. 19R. 2018 Capacity to communicate of effective way information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of the engineering and with the society in general. 20R. 2018 Capacity to work effectively in national and international contexts, individually and in team, and cooperate with the engineers and people of other disciplines. 21R. 2018 Capacity to recognize the need of a continuous training and realize this activity of independent way during his professional life. 22R. 2018 Capacity to be to the day of the scientific and technological news. B1
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000