Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte
  Physical exercise and wellbeing programs
   Contingency plan
Like consequence of the *COVID-19 and in accordance with the extraordinary and urgent measures for or development of the educational organisation in the course 2021/2022 in case of sanitary crisis, approved by the Council of *Goberno of 12 June 2020 and of the Resolution *Rectoral of 17 June 2020 for his implementation, elaborated an instruction from the *VOAP for the preparation of the educational guides.

In base to this, the teaching of this matter in case of burgeon of the *COVID-19 will be by means of virtual face-to-face modality, in which neither the professor neither the students assist to the classroom of fitness. The classes and the evaluation carried out by remote campus and by means of the platform *moodle. Arrived the case would activate this modality by means of *RR.

They keep the contents of the matter, so many theorists like practical and the system of evaluation.

The educational methodology in this case will base fundamentally in the reverse learning "*Flipped *Learning" in replacement of the others methodologies, where the student will work of autonomous form the documents facilitated by the professor through the platform of *teledocencia *Faitic and in the virtual face-to-face classes will pose and will resolve the problems, doubts and lacks detected by the student and by the professor.
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