Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Communication-management skills.
  B2 Communication skills. Ability to present clearly, both orally and in writing, complex problems and projects within their fields of study.
  B3 Basic knowledge of the search methods of sources, analysis, interpretation and synthesis.
  B4 Independent-learning skills.
  B5 Independent work skills.
  B6 Teamwork skills.
  B7 Ability to join multidisciplinary groups. Ability to cooperate with professionals from different fields.
  B8 Personal initiative and self-motivation.
  B9 Perseverance skills.
  B10 Heuristic and speculative skills for solving problems and carrying out new projects and strategies of action.
  B11 Interpersonal skills, confidence in one’s own abilities and resources.
  B12 Ability to adapt to new situations.
  B13 Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
  B14 Awareness of environmental issues.
  B15 Awareness of cultural heritage.
  B16 Professional ethical commitment.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Critical understanding of the history, theory and present-day discourse of art. Analytical assimilation of the concepts on which art is based.
  C2 Critical understanding of the development of esthetic, historical, material, economic and conceptual values. To analyze the development of art values from a socio-economic and cultural perspective.
  C3 Critical understanding of the responsibility to develop the artistic field itself. The social commitment of the artist.
  C4 Critical understanding of the performative dimension of art and the social influence of art. To analyze the reciprocal influence between art and society.
  C5 Knowledge of present-day art theory and discourse, as well as the thinking of present-day artists through their works and texts. To constantly update direct knowledge of art through its own creators.
  C6 Knowledge of the specific vocabulary, codes and concepts of the artistic field. To know the language of art.
  C7 Knowledge of the specific vocabulary and concepts of each particular artistic technique. To know the specific creative languages.
  C8 Knowledge of the different functions art has played throughout its historical development. To study the development of the roles of art throughout time.
  C9 Knowledge of methods of production and artistic techniques. To analyze the processes of artistic creation.
  C10 Knowledge of Spanish and international cultural institutions and bodies and their functioning (network of museums, exhibitions, biennial shows, etc.).
  C11 Knowledge of the norms of conduct regarding royalties and intellectual property rights.
  C12 Knowledge of the materials and their derived processes of creation and/or production. To know the materials, procedures and techniques associated to each artistic language.
  C13 Basic knowledge of research methodology of sources, analysis, interpretation and synthesis. To analyze, interpret and synthesize the sources.
  C14 Knowledge of experimentation tools and methods in art. Learning of creative methodologies associated with each artistic language.
  C15 Knowledge of artistic methods that are amenable to being applied to sociocultural projects. To study the methodologies facilitating artistic interventions in the social milieu.
  C16 Knowledge of the characteristics of the exhibition and storage spaces and the means of transport of works of art.
  C17 Knowledge of the different art agents and their functioning. To identify the different art intermediaries and their functions in the art dynamics and their work methodology.
  C18 Basic knowledge of economics and marketing. To analyze and frame artistic activities in a strategic, competition-based context. To establish and maintain commercial relations with clients and/or partners.
  C19 Ability to identify and understand art issues. To establish the aspects of art that give rise to creation processes.
  C20 Ability to interpret artistic problems creatively and imaginatively. To develop creative processes associated with the resolution of artistic problems.
  C21 Ability to understand and evaluate artistic discourses in relation to one’s own work. To establish means of comparison to relate one’s own personal work with the creative context.
  C22 Ability to produce and link ideas within the creative process.
  C23 Communication skills. To learn to translate artistic ideas to be able to communicate them.
  C24 Ability to present clearly, both orally and in writing, complex artistic problems and projects.
  C25 Skills for analytical (self-)reflection and (self-)criticism in artistic work.
  C26 Skills for analytical (self-)reflection and (self-)criticism in artistic work. Openness to curiosity and surprise beyond practical perception. To develop mental perception beyond the retinal.
  C27 Ability to work independently. To develop the ability to plan, develop and complete one’s personal artistic work.
  C28 Teamwork skills. Ability to organize, develop and carry out work through application of interaction strategies.
  C29 Personal initiative and self-motivation skills.
  C30 Perseverance skills. To develop the necessary perseverance to overcome the difficulties attached to artistic creation.
  C31 Ability to create and manage artistic production. To be able to establish the necessary planning programs in processes of artistic creation.
  C32 Ability to apply specific technologies professionally. To use the appropriate tools for one’s artistic languages.
  C33 Ability to cooperate with other disciplines. Establishing links and exchange channels with other fields of knowledge.
  C34 Ability to work with other professionals, especially with those from other fields. To identify the right professionals to develop one’s artistic work successfully.
  C35 Ability to activate a cultural context and/or to change a public or private context. To be able to understand the cultural context to generate initiatives and revitalize a milieu.
  C36 Ability to document artistic production. To use the necessary tools and resources to provide a context for and explain one’s own artistic work.
  C37 Ability to identify artistic and/or socio-cultural problems, as well as the determining factors making possible certain artistic discourses. To describe the determining factors that influence artistic creation. Analysis of the strategies of artistic production.
  C38 Heuristic and speculative skills for carrying out new artistic projects and strategies of action. To develop an understanding and speculation of artistic problems as a whole.
  C39 Ability to determine the most appropriate system of presentation for the specific artistic qualities of a work of art. To acquire skills for the appropriate appreciation of works of art in relation with their milieu and exhibition.
  C40 Self-employment and employment-generation skills.
  C41 Ability to carry out artistic research projects.
  C42 Artistic creation skills and ability to construct works of art. To acquire the specific skills of artistic practice.
  C43 Ability to establish systems of production. To develop strategies applied to the systematic development of artistic practices.
  C44 Ability to carry out, organize and manage innovative artistic projects.
  C45 Ability to communicate and disseminate artistic projects.
  C46 Ability to carry out artistic projects with social and media impact. To use means of dissemination of artistic projects with the aim of promoting their social influence.
  C47 Ability to carry out and integrate artistic projects in wider contexts. To develop strategies of dissemination of artistic creation beyond its field of activity.
  C48 Ability to present artistic projects appropriately. To be able to communicate artistic projects in different contexts.
  C49 Interpersonal skills, confidence in one’s own abilities and resources for the practice of artistic work.
Choose D Code Competences
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