Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Lingua estranxeira a través da literatura infantil ou xuvenil: Inglés
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Bibliografía Básica McNicholls, S., English Through Children’s Literature (apuntes de la asignatura), Meu Moodle, 1.2.2022
Bibliografía Complementaria Ellis, G. & Brewster, J., The Storytelling Handbook for Primary Teachers, Penguin, 1991
Garvie, E., Story as vehicle, Multilingual Matters, 1990
Gerngross, G. & Puchta, H., Do and Understand: 50 Action Stories for Young Learners, Longman, 1996
Graham, C., Jazz Chants for Children (Teacher’s Edition), OUP, 1979
Knowles, M. and Malmkjær, K., Language and Control in Children’s Literature, Routledge, 1996
Morgan, J. & Rinvolucri, M., Once Upon a Time, CUP, 1983
Once Upon a Time, Jamboree, Nelson,
Philips, S., Young Learners, OUP, 1993
Philips, S., Drama for Children, OUP, 1999
Vale, D. et al, Storyworld (Teacher’s Book), Heinemann, 1993
Wright, A., Creating Stories With Children, OUP, 1997
Wright, A., Storytelling with Children, OUP, 1995
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