Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Máster Universitario en Nutrición

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
O01M139V01101 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1st
Optional 4.5
O01M139V01102 Structure of the Human Body 1st
Optional 4.5
O01M139V01103 Human Physiology 1st
Optional 6
O01M139V01104 Physiopathology 1st
Optional 6
O01M139V01105 Basic and Clinical Endocrinology 1st
Mandatory 5
O01M139V01106 Metabolism and its Pathology 1st
Mandatory 5
O01M139V01107 Neuroendocrinology 1st
Mandatory 5
O01M139V01108 Dietetics 1st
Mandatory 4.5
O01M139V01109 Human Nutrition 1st
Mandatory 6
O01M139V01110 Food Chemistry and Biochemistry 1st
Optional 3
O01M139V01111 Food Handling 1st
Optional 3
O01M139V01112 Food Composition 1st
Optional 3
O01M139V01113 Food and Culinary Technology 1st
Optional 3
O01M139V01201 Applied Dietetics 2nd
Mandatory 3
O01M139V01202 Clinical Nutrition 2nd
Mandatory 6
O01M139V01203 Diet Therapy 2nd
Mandatory 4.5
O01M139V01204 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 15
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000