Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ingeniería Agraria
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A2 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Students will be able to develop analysis, synthesis and information-management skills for application in the agricultural, food and environmental sectors.
  B2 Students will acquire and apply teamwork abilities and skills.
  B3 Students will develop personal skills to engage in critical, constructive thinking.
  B4 Students will be able to understand the social significance of science.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 Ability to solve mathematical problems that might arise in engineering. Ability to apply knowledge of linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, integral and differential calculus, differential equations, partial derivatives, numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimization.
  C2 Visual-spatial ability and knowledge of the techniques of graphic representation, through use of traditional methods of metric geometry and descriptive geometry, and of computer-assisted design applications.
  C3 Basic knowledge of use and programming of computers, operating systems, data bases and computer programs that can be applied in engineering.
  C4 Basic knowledge of general chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and their applications in engineering.
  C5 Understanding and mastery of the essential concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism, and their application for solving problems in the field of engineering.
  C6 Basic knowledge of geology and soil morphology and their application to problems in the field of engineering. Climatology.
  C7 Knowledge of the biological foundations of the vegetal and animal realms in engineering.
  C8 Essential knowledge of the concept of company, institutional and legal frameworks of companies. Organization and management of companies.
  C9 Ability to understand and use the principles of identification and characterization of vegetable species.
  C10 Ability to understand and use the fundamental principles of vegetable production, and the systems of production, protection and exploitation.
  C11 Ability to understand and use the principles of the applications of biotechnology in agricultural engineering.
  C12 Ability to understand and use the fundamental principles of animal production. Livestock facilities.
  C13 Ability to understand and use the principles of ecology, studies of environmental impact, their assessment and correction.
  C14 Ability to understand and use the principles of topographical surveys and stakeouts. Cartography, photogrammetry, geography information systems and remote sensing in agronomy.
  C15 Ability to understand and use the principles of engineering of rural environment: calculus of structures, construction, hydraulics.
  C16 Ability to understand and use the principles of engineering of rural environment: thermal engineering, engines and machines.
  C17 Ability to understand and use the principles of engineering of rural environment: electrotechnics.
  C18 Ability to understand and use the principles of engineering of rural environment: technical projects.
  C19 Ability to understand and use the principles of management and exploitation of agro-industrial by-products.
  C20 Ability to understand and use the principles of decision making through use of resources made available for multidisciplinary workgroups.
  C21 Ability to understand and use the principles of transference of technology; understanding, interpreting, communicating and introducing advances in agriculture.
  C22 Ability to understand and use the principles of assessment of agricultural companies and marketization.
  C23 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to agricultural and livestock buildings.
  C24 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to agricultural machinery.
  C25 Ability to understand and use aspects linked to chemical equilibrium and kinetic processes, focusing especially on their agrochemical application.
  C26 Ability to understand and use the components, properties, factors and processes involved in soil formation and their influence on agricultural production.
  C27 Ability to understand the characteristics of factors of the geological environment that can have an impact on rural buildings and suggestions of practical solutions.
  C28 Ability to understand the cause-effect relationship between climate elements and living beings, and their phenological response.
  C29 Ability to understand and use the essential concepts and tools of hydrological calculations for treatment and application in the field of agriculture.
  C30 An original piece of work that students must present and defend before a university panel. It consists of a professional project within the area of agricultural engineering specific technologies where students will show their mastery and integration of all the skills acquired during their studies.
  C31 Ability to understand and use the principles of food engineering and its essential operations.
  C32 Ability to understand and use the principles of food technology.
  C33 Ability to understand and use the principles and processes of the food and agriculture industry.
  C34 Ability to understand and use the principles of modelling and optimization of processes in the food and agriculture industry.
  C35 Ability to understand and use the principles of food quality and safety management.
  C36 Ability to understand and use the principles of food analysis.
  C37 Ability to understand and use the principles of traceability.
  C38 Ability to understand and use auxiliary equipment and machinery in the food and agriculture industry.
  C39 Ability to understand and use procedures of automation and process control.
  C40 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to the engineering of construction and facilities.
  C41 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to food and agriculture facilities.
  C42 Ability to understand and use the concepts linked to waste management and exploitation.
  C43 Ability to understand and use basic concepts and technologies for horticultural, fruit and ornamental production and propagation. Quality control of horticultural products. Marketization.
  C44 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to genetics and plant improvement.
  C45 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to the engineering of green areas, sports facilities and fruit and vegetable farms.
  C46 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to civil construction, facilities and infrastructure of green and protected areas. Electrification. Irrigation and drainage. Fruit and vegetable and gardening equipment.
  C47 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to environmental and landscape engineering.
  C48 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to environmental legislation and management; principles of sustainable development.
  C49 Ability to understand and use marketing and professional practice strategies.
  C50 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to evaluation of environmental goods.
  C51 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to hydrology.
  C52 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to erosion.
  C53 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to vegetable matter: production, use and maintenance.
  C54 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to ecosystems and biodiversity.
  C55 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to the physical environment and climate change. Analysis and management of spatial planning. Principles of landscaping.
  C56 Ability to understand and use the specific tools of graphic design and communication.
  C57 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to the practical development of environmental impact studies.
  C58 Ability to understand and use concepts linked with projects of environmental and landscape restoration.
  C59 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to green space maintenance projects and plans.
  C60 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to development projects. Tools for spatial and landscape planning.
  C61 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to the management and planning of projects and construction works.
  C62 Ability to understand and use concepts linked with systems of agricultural production and exploitation.
  C63 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to technologies and cultivation systems of herbaceous plant species.
  C64 Ability to understand and use concepts linked to protection of crops from pests and diseases.
  C65 Ability to understand the basic principles linked to workplace hazard prevention. Application of the basic principles of workplace hazard prevention to aspects of production in the industry. Commitment to workplace hazard prevention. Ability to manage workplace hazard prevention.
  C66 To acquire first-hand knowledge of the socio-occupational environment of the food and agriculture sectors and understand the applicability of the concepts acquired throughout the Degree studies.
  C67 To master the concepts and terminology that are specific of the area and understand the social-professional standing of Agricultural Engineers.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Leadership and entrepreneurship skills.
  D2 Analysis, organization and planning skills.
  D3 Oral and written communication skills in local and foreign languages.
  D4 Independent-learning and information-management skills.
  D5 Problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  D6 Ability to adapt to new situations in creative, innovative ways.
  D7 Ability to engage in critical and self-critical thinking.
  D8 Interdisciplinary teamwork skills.
  D9 Conflict-resolution and negotiation skills.
  D10 Striving for quality with focus on awareness about environmental issues.
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