Guia docente 2023_24
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ingeniería Agraria
  Industrial installations
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Exam including both theoretical and practical aspects of the whole matter.
This methodology evaluates all the learning outcomes.
40 B3
Seminars Autonomous resolution, both in the classroom and out of classroom, of exercises and case studies. The student can have support / orientation during the tutorial hours or through the e-learning platform of the University of Vigo.
This methodology evaluates all the learning outcomes.
30 A4
Mentored work Evaluation of the elaborated document, taking into account the used sources of information, the presented information, its organization and correct writing.
This methodology evaluates all the learning outcomes.
15 A4
Presentation As "trasmitter": Organization and synthesis of the presented material will be evaluated, presentation clarity and the answers to the questions. As "receptor": Participation in the turn of questions after the presentation of classmates will be evaluated, considering the comments/questions that have been made.
This methodology evaluates all the learning outcomes.
15 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation
  1. Students with work responsabilities: students
    will follow the subject as normal when they are available to attend the
    teaching activities. Otherwise, students must indicate their situation within
    the first 2 weeks of class to the responsible of the course. In this case,
    students must provide proven reasons for this choice (usually work-related),
    which will be considered individually by the person in charge of the course.
  2. It is necessary
    to pass the subject exam (with at least 5 points out of 10). In other case,
    the final qualification will be the one corresponding to the exam, after
    applying the corresponding ponderation.
  3. In the
    case of students who do not attend the "Seminars" methodologies
    (delivery of the proposed exercises for resolution), they will have the
    alternative of taking an additional exam in the same date as the general
    one, which will include questions/problems dealt in the abovementioned
  4. In the
    case of students not attending the "Presentations / exhibitions"
    methodologies, they can upload a video recording their presentation to the
    e-learning platform (Moovi), and answer the questions posed by the teacher
    and the students in the chat. Alternatively, they will be able to complement
    such assistance by intensifying the participation with "Mentored
    ", being the methodology qualification of 30% in this case. 
  5. In the July
    , students can choose to take the parts of the exam or the
    methodologies that they have not passed in the June exam or those that they
    wish to surpass their previous grade obtained in June. The grade assigned
    will be the best one obtained in June or July for each part of the exam
    or methodology.
  6. Those
    students who have completed less than 30% of the methodologies
    "Seminars" (Delivery of the proposed exercises for resolution),
    "Mentored work", and/or "Presentations / exhibitions",
    and do not take the exam, will obtain the qualification "not
    presented". Otherwise, the qualification will be the one calculated
    following the procedure exposed above.
  7. Communication
    with students will be done  through the e-learning platform of the
    University of Vigo (Moovi).
  8. Students
    may choose to take the exam in the "End of Career" call. In this
    case the qualification will correspond to that obtained in the exam, that will
    include questions/problems posed in lecture sessions, problems / exercises
    solved in classroom, or proposed exercises.
  9. Official
    dates of exams
    : January 24, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. and July 4, 2023 at 10:00
    a.m.  The date for the realization of the "End of Career"
    examination is September 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. In case of possible date changes,
    consult the Center`s website.
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