Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Fabricación Aditiva
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Define printing methods, safety and efficiency criteria to adapt the design of objects to 3D printing.
  B2 Identify the advantages of the production of objects by 3D printing to evaluate the performance in their manufacture.
  B3 Identify production requirements to adapt them to the new additive production systems.
  B4 Define quality, safety and environmental requirements in additive manufacturing environments for integration into the production control management system.
  B5 Identify the characteristics of objects manufactured by 3D printing through the study of their structure and functions.
  B6 Perform simulation and modeling processes for 3D design and prototyping of materials, as well as for simulation of structures and manufacturing processes.
  B7 Define the technical requirements of the different products to be developed and select the most appropriate additive manufacturing tools and technologies.
  B8 Identify the stages of the additive manufacturing production process.
  B9 Define the 3D printing method taking into account the characteristics of the object to be produced.
  B10 Make adaptations to the object design taking into account the printing method used and the corresponding safety, efficiency and sustainability criteria.
  B11 Recognise the possibilities of additive manufacturing versus traditional manufacturing.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To know and apply techniques of characterization and analysis of materials (metals, ceramics, composites, polymers...) in order to understand their properties and identify potential uses.
  C2 To know and apply legal and environmental regulations, establishing protocols for the management of waste generated in the manufacturing process of the products.
  C3 Identify opportunities for the creation of new designs from the possibilities offered by the new design and printing techniques of additive manufacturing.
  C4 Select materials for specific manufacturing applications from the specifications of the additive manufacturing tools and printers to be used, as well as from the different types of existing modeling.
  C5 Solve situations, problems or contingencies with initiative and autonomy in the field of their competence, with creativity, innovation and a spirit of improvement in their personal work and in their with creativity, innovation and spirit of improvement in personal work and in that of the team members.
  C6 To develop creativity and a spirit of innovation in order to respond to the challenges that arise in the processes and organization of work and personal life.
  C7 Analyze the characteristics of the objects to be produced in order to select the most suitable printing method.
  C8 Manufacture objects and elements through 3D printing by applying reverse engineering techniques to improve production processes.
  C9 Repair high value-added parts and produce replacement parts through the use of additive manufacturing tools and technologies.
  C10 Apply reverse engineering techniques to reproduce elements through 3D printing.
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Prepare technical and administrative documentation in accordance with current legislation and customer requirements. Comply with current legislation governing additive manufacturing regulations.
  D2 Evaluate the economic costs and business opportunities derived from the application of additive manufacturing in both production and R&D processes.
  D3 Defend and ensure compliance with legal and environmental regulations and quality requirements for materials, processes and products.
  D4 Combine and integrate different technologies in additive manufacturing processes.
  D5 Evaluate and compare the requirements of the different additive manufacturing technologies available in the market for their selection in the production processes.
  D6 Design the different products according to the technical requirements offered by the different additive manufacturing tools and technologies.
  D7 Design and redefine objects using parametric design tools to perform 3D printing.
  D8 Integrate the additive manufacturing system into the companys production control management system, meeting quality, safety and environmental requirements.
  D9 Inspeccionar los productos o piezas fabricadas con el fin de verificar el cumplimiento de las normas de calidad y el cumplimiento de las características técnicas establecidas
  D10 Evaluar y aplicar los procedimientos para la evaluación de la seguridad, durabilidad y ciclo de vida de los materiales.
  D11 Supervisar y aplicar procedimientos de gestión de calidad, de accesibilidad universal y de «diseño para todas las personas», en las actividades profesionales incluidas en los procesos de producción o prestación de servicios.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000