Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos
 Training and Learning Results

Choose A Code Training and Learning Results
  A1 Students will have shown they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of an area of study, starting after completion of general secondary education, and normally reaching a level of proficiency that, being mostly based on advanced textbooks, will also include familiarity with some cutting-edge developments within the relevant field of study.
  A2 Students will be able to apply their knowledge and skills in their professional practice or vocation and they will show they have the required expertise through the construction and discussion of arguments and the resolution of problems within the relevant area of study.
  A3 Students will be able to gather and interpret relevant data (normally within their field of study) that will allow them to have a reflection-based considered opinion on important issues of social, scientific and ethical nature.
  A4 Students will be able to present information, ideas, problems and solutions both to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  A5 Students will acquire the learning skills that are required to pursue further studies with a high degree of independence.
Choose B Code Knowledge
  B1 Students will acquire analysis, synthesis and information-management skills to contribute to planning and conducting research activities in the food field.
  B2 Students will acquire and put teamwork skills and abilities into practice, whether these have multidisciplinary character or not, in both national and international contexts, becoming familiar with a diversity of perspectives, schools of thought and practical procedures.
  B3 Students will develop personal skills to engage in critical thinking.
  B4 Students will be able to adapt to new situations, become highly creative and have ideas to take up leadership positions.
  B5 Students will be able to take the initiative and acquire entrepreneurship skills, with a special focus on improving the quality of life.
  B6 Students will be able to understand the social significance of science.
Choose C Code Skill
  C1 To know the physical, chemical and biological foundations of food and its technological processes.
  C2 To be familiar with the chemistry and biochemistry of food and of its associated technological processes.
  C3 To know the fundamentals of mathematics and statistics that will allow students to acquire the specific knowledge of food science and the technological processes involved in the production, transformation and preservation of food.
  C4 To be familiar with the physical and chemical properties of food, as well as the analytical processes that are associated with their establishment.
  C5 To be familiar with the basic operations in the food industry.
  C6 To be familiar with the industrial processes linked with the processing and transformation of food.
  C7 To be familiar with the basic concepts linked to hygiene through the whole process of production, transformation, preservation and distribution of food. This involves the acquisition of the relevant knowledge about food microbiology, parasitology and toxicology, as well as contents linked to personal hygiene, products and processes.
  C8 To be familiar with the systems of food quality, along with all the aspects linked to food regulation and legislation.
  C9 To be familiar with the basics of economics, market techniques, food and agriculture management and marketing.
  C10 To be familiar with the systems of environmental management linked to the production processes of the food industry.
  C11 To be familiar with the cultural aspects linked to food processing and consumption.
  C12 Ability to make and preserve food.
  C13 Ability to analyze food.
  C14 Ability to control and optimize processes and products.
  C15 Ability to develop new processes and products.
  C16 Ability to manage by-products and residues.
  C17 Ability to analyze and assess food risks.
  C18 Ability to manage food safety.
  C19 Ability to assess, control and manage food quality.
  C20 Ability to implement quality systems in the food industry.
  C21 Ability to act as consultant in processes of marketization and distribution of products in the food industry.
  C22 Ability to assess and control costs in food production.
  C23 Ability to teach food education in Food Science and Technology.
  C24 Ability to give legal, scientific and technical advice within the food industry and to consumers.
  C25 Basic knowledges on the use and programming of the computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs
Choose D Code Competences
  D1 Analysis, organization and planning skills.
  D2 Leadership and entrepreneurship skills.
  D3 Ability to communicate, both orally and in writing, in local and foreign languages.
  D4 Independent-learning and information-management skills.
  D5 Problem-resolution and decision-making skills.
  D6 Interpersonal communication skills.
  D7 Ability to adapt to new situations in creative, innovative ways.
  D8 Critical and self-critical thinking skills.
  D9 Interdisciplinary teamwork skills.
  D10 Conflict-resolution and negotiation skills.
  D11 Striving for quality with focus on awareness about environmental issues.
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