Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Máster Universitario en Oceanografía

1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V10M153V01101 Physical Processes in the Ocean 1st
Mandatory 5
V10M153V01102 Oceanography of Ecosystems 1st
Mandatory 5
V10M153V01103 Chemical Reactions in the Ocean 1st
Mandatory 5
V10M153V01104 Geological Processes in Continental Margins and Ocean Basins 1st
Mandatory 5
V10M153V01CF101 Physical Oceanography 1st
Optional 3
V10M153V01CF102 Chemical Oceanography 1st
Optional 3
V10M153V01CF103 Biological Oceanography 1st
Optional 3
V10M153V01CF104 Geological Oceanography 1st
Optional 3
V10M153V01201 Large-scale and Small-scale Oceanography 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01202 Biological Processes and Global Change 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01203 CO2 and Ocean Acidification 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01204 Oceanography of Unique Regions: Polar, Equatorial and Upwelling Regions 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01205 Climate Models 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01206 Palaeoclimatology and Paleoceanography 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01207 Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01208 Global Change and Marine Ecosystems 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01209 Modelling in Coastal Systems 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01210 Anthropogenic Impact on the Coast 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01211 Biogeochemistry of Coastal Systems 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01212 Coastal Ecosystems 2nd
Optional 5
V10M153V01301 Design and Carrying out of Oceanographic Campaigns An
Mandatory 5
V10M153V01302 Master's Degree Dissertation An
Mandatory 15
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000