Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V04M150V01101 General Principles on Prevention 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M150V01102 Prevention Management and other Related Techniques 1st
Mandatory 6
V04M150V01103 Legal Context 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M150V01104 Occupational Safety 1st
Mandatory 6
V04M150V01105 Industrial Hygiene 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V04M150V01106 Ergonomics and Psycho-sociology 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V04M150V01107 Medicine in the Workplace 1st
Mandatory 3
V04M150V01201 Specialisation in Occupational Safety 2nd
Mandatory 6
V04M150V01202 Specialisation in Industrial Hygiene 2nd
Mandatory 4.5
V04M150V01203 Specialisation in Ergonomics and Psycho-sociology 2nd
Mandatory 4.5
V04M150V01204 Audit of Occupational Risk Prevention Systems 2nd
Mandatory 3
V04M150V01205 Internships 2nd
Optional 6
V04M150V01206 Practices in Industrial Installations 2nd
Optional 3
V04M150V01207 Practices for the Training in Prevention of Bluffs Laborais 2nd
Optional 3
V04M150V01208 Final Year Dissertation 2nd
Mandatory 6
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000