Students can choose the method of Assessment: Continuous or Global Assessment.Continuous Assessment (CA) There will be two possible ways or options to go through Continuous Assessment, which we call A and B. Students must choose the option in the subject virtual classroom during first month, one day before the first assessment exam. After this deadline, the chosen continuous assessment option cannot be changed. Students who do not make any explicit choice follow the global assessment. Given the necessary collaborative and social character of option B, groups that do not reach a minimum of 30 students, will only have option A for continuous assessment. Continuous Assessment consists of four types of activities or tests: Qualifying activities in the virtual classroom. During the course, with an approximately weekly periodicity, tasks, resolution of exercises, questions and self-evaluation tests will be proposed in the virtual classroom for the students to carry out after school hours individually, autonomously. All activities will have a strict deadline. The completion of these activities allows students to obtain “merit points” (MP) up to a maximum of 100 points (in the case of the correct completion of all of them). The mark in this part will be calculated as the amount of MP divided by 100. In order to facilitate the achievement of the maximum number of points, it will be possible to obtain a certain amount of PM through rewards, and in tasks with submissions, peer evaluation will be used, which will allow students to obtain additional PM. The Merit Points only count for students who have chosen option B of continuous assessment. Those who chose option A of continuous assessment can also do the tasks and tests, but the MP obtained do not count for the final mark, being only indicative of their self-assessment. - Network programs (PR): Students will have to develop several small network programs in an individual and autonomous manner during the course. Several practical sessions will be dedicated to explain the related network programming projects needed to make the programs (sockets, network utilities…), and also to solve doubts with the teacher, and to test and debug the programs in the lab before being delivered for evaluation. The mark obtained by these programs (PR), between 0 and 10, will be multiplied by the mark obtained in a question about the programs that is part of the final exam (CR), with a range between 0 and 1.
- Two intermediate one-hour multiple-choice tests to assess the progress of the subject (C1 and C2). Each control test has a weight of 25% on the final mark (FG) for students who chose option A of continuous assessment and 20% for those who opt for option B. The schedule of the different intermediate evaluation tests will be approved by the Comisión Académica de Grado (CAG) and will be available at the beginning of the term.
A final exam (FE) covering all contents, has a weight of 60% of the Final Grade (FG). A minimum qualification of 4 points over 10 is required to pass the subject. Included in the final exam there will be a question about the network programming projects (CR) but its mark, between 0 and 1, will not be part of the final exam and will only be used to ponder the qualification obtained in the network programming projects.
The final mark of the continuous assessment evaluation will be, according to the chosen evaluation method, A or B:
FG-CA-A = 0.25 × (C1+C2) + 0.1 × CR × PR + 0.4 × FE, if FE ≥ 4
FG-CA-A = 0.2 × (C1+C2) + MP/100 + 0.1 × CR × PR + 0.4 × FE, if FE ≥ 4
If FE < 4, the Final Mark will be equal to min{4, FG-CA} where FG-CA would be the final mark of the continuous assessment evaluation calculated before (FG-CA-A or FG-CA-B) As said above, it is mandatory to choose the CA option, A or B, in the established period, that will be until the day before the C1 control test. Students that do not make any explicit choice will be subjected to global assessment (EA). Failure to take any of the control tests, C1 or C2, implies a mark of “0” on the test. These tests are not recoverable. Global Assessment (EA) Students who do not made any choice of continuous assessment within the stipulated time period are required to take the Global Assessment (EA) The Global Assessment will consist of the same FE at the end of the term, including the additional question (CR) about the network programming projects. The final mark is calculated as: FG-EA = 0.9 x FE +CR Extraordinary exam
In the official dates, a new extraordinary exam (FE) will be done only for students that failed in the ordinary call. This exam will also include the question about the network programming projects (CR). These EF and CR tests of the extraordinary call are an opportunity to raise the mark in these two tests with respect to the ordinary call. In the calculation of the Final Grade, the highest mark obtained in these tests between the two attempts will prevail. Those students who had chosen continuous assessment and that want to change to global assessment in this extraordinary call, must communicate it to the subject coordinator in written form before 8pm on the day before the review session of the first call. In this case, the conditions to pass the subject will be identical as those of students who had chosen global evaluation on the first place. In particular, it will not be possible to use in the exam any of the rewards obtained during the term as part of the continuous assessment.
The final marks are obtained in the same way as in the first-call evaluation.
End-of-program exam The same procedure as for the global assessment will be used for the end-of-program call. Other comments All students presenting to any FE are considered to be presented to the subject. The marks for all exams, intermediate or final, and activities will only have effects on the current academic year. The virtual classroom platform has tools to detect possible anomalous and dishonest behaviors in self-assessment tests (tests carried out among several people, previously known answers, etc.), as well as to detect plagiarism in written works or in software programs. Plagiarism is regarded as serious dishonest behavior. If any form of plagiarism is detected in any of the works/test/exams, including the virtual platform activities, the final grade will be FAIL (0), and the incident will be reported to the corresponding academic authorities for prosecution. All the official communications of the Subject will be published in the News Forum of the virtual classroom, to which all the students are necessarily subscribed by email. It is assumed that all students reads these messages and are properly informed of their content. In the event of any contradiction that may have occurred between the different versions of this guide, due to any error in the translation, the prevailing version will be the Galician language version, except for English group, for which the English version of the Guide will be considered. |