Exposition of the ideas, concepts, technics and algorithms related to the thematic units of the course. With this methodology we will work the competences D2, D3, B3, B4, C11, C17, C18 and C19.
Problem solving
Resolution in the classroom by the professor of problems and exercises related with the contents of the master lessons. With this methodology students work the competences B3, B4, C11, C17, C18 and C19.
Laboratory practical
Networking laboratory practices, using various network tools and utilities (GNS3, WireShark, ping, traceroute, dig, etc.) to reinforce the contents learnt in the lecturing classes. Software to be used: GNS3, WireShark, Java. With this methodology, the competencies B1, B9, C17 and C19 are worked on.
Autonomous problem solving
Completion and delivery, more or less weekly, of online activities. These are self-evaluation tests and small tasks or problems to be carried out before or after the practical classes. It also includes the delivery of a small basic network program, as a training for the final network program. With this methodology we will work the competencies B4, B6, B9, C11, C17, C18, C19, D2, D3, D4
Practices through ICT
The goal is to develop small network programs in an autonomous and individual way. There will be several sessions to explain related programming concepts (sockets, network utilities), and also to solve doubts with the teacher, and to test and debug the programs in the laboratory where they will be evaluated. With this methodology we work with the competencies B1, B6, B9, C11, C17 and C19.
In the virtual classroom, a gamification system will be used that includes activity points, mechanics and gamification elements to encourage the performance of online graded activities and to participate in a meaningful way in help forums. This will allow the student to obtain rewards to be used in the exams or in the continuous evaluation.
The discussion forums will be the preferred way of answering questions and doubts related to the contents of the subject. The gamification will encourage peer support and collaborative resolution of doubts in the forums. Besides contributing to the increase of motivation, with this methodology we will also work on the competences B9, D3 and D4
Universidade de Vigo
Reitoría |
Campus Universitario |
C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) |
España |
Tlf: +34 986 812 000