Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados y sus Aplicaciones

Study programme guide Study programme guide
1st Year  Study programme guide PDF format
CodeNameQuadmesterChooseTotal Cr.
V01M121V01101 Linguistic Research Methods and Resources and their Application to the English Language 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01102 Literary-Cultural Research Methods and Resources in the English Speaking World 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01103 English Studies and the Communications Media 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01104 Literary Discourse and Society in English Speaking Countries 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01105 English for Specific Purposes 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01106 Transcultural Perspectives in the English Speaking World 1st
Mandatory 3
V01M121V01109 Linguistic models and theories and their application to the English language 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V01M121V01110 Models of literary-cultural interpretation in English-speaking countries 1st
Mandatory 4.5
V01M121V01201 Variation and Change in the English Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01202 Computer and Corpus Linguistics Applied to the English Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01203 Cognition and Cognitive Processes in English 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01204 Contrastive Linguistics Applied to the English Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01205 Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis in the English Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01206 Learning and Teaching English 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01207 Literature and Cultural Diversity in the English Speaking World 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01208 Literary and Cultural Movements in English Speaking Countries 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01209 Gender Perspective and Literature in the English Speaking World 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01210 Artistic and Literary Manifestations in English Speaking Countries 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01211 Literary Genres and Modes in the English Language 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01212 Textual and Cultural Negotiations in English Speaking Countries 2nd
Optional 3
V01M121V01213 Practicum 2nd
Mandatory 6
V01M121V01214 The Final Master Degree Work 2nd
Mandatory 12
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000