Continuous assessment The evaluation will be carried out on each and every one of the exercises carried out, evaluating on the one hand the work carried out as a team and on the other hand the individual work, as well as class attendance and participation. In order to pass the subject, you need to have passed both the group work part and the individual part, which cannot be passed if the average of any of the two parts is suspended. The weighting of these activities is distributed as follows: - 20%: Public defenses of subject assignments, collaboration in classroom activities and assistance. - 20%: Group work. Reference panels in photographic representations of a collection. Lookbook and e-commerce. - 20%: Reference panel of individual work. - 40%: Individual photographic work. Photographic representation of a collection. E-commerce, lookbook and campaign. The different tasks and works will be delivered through the Moovi platform, and it may be required on occasion that a printed part be delivered. Global assessment Students have a period of one month from the beginning of the subject to inform if they want to opt for this option.The assessment is based on a series of tests that include both the theoretical and practical parts. The weighting of these tests is distributed as follows: - 50%: Theoretical exam - 50%: Individual photographic work. Photographic representation of a collection. E-commerce, lookbook, campaign and editorial. The papers must be submitted within the examination period published on the faculty website: The deadline for the presentation of the works for the second opportunity is published in the faculty calendar: |