First opportunity evaluation: To pass the subject in the 1st opportunity, the mark should be equal or greater than 5 points over 10 when averaging the marks of all the exams, works and the final mark of the exam carried out during the official exam date. The student has right to opt for a global examination in a unique exam. To opt for this, the student should follow the official procedure established by the school. Global Evaluation: It will consist on a unique examduring the official date, that
includes all the contents of the subject, including the contents and
methods used in the cases of study. The marks obtained in this exam should be equal or greater than 5 points over 10 in order to pass the subject The exams calendar will be publish in the oficial web page of the school Second opportunity evaluation: The students will take an exam taht include contents of all the subject, if the final note of the exams and works done durig the teaching period is lower that 5 points over 10. End of studies exam: For the evaluation of end of studies exam, an exam during the oficial date set by the school will be taken by the students enrolled in this type of exams. The exam will include all contents. To pass the subject, the student must obtain a mark equal or greater than 5 over 10. |