Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias
Máster Universitario en Ciencia y Tecnología Agroalimentaria y Ambiental
  Production of Basic Components from Lignocellulosic Waste
Topic Sub-topic
Introducion - Biomass as a renewable resource
- Platform chemicals obtained from biomass
Biomass fractionation - Treatments for hemicellulose solubilization
- Delignification treatments
- Cellulose hydrolysis treatments
Hemicelluloses - Features and properties
- Obtaining processes
Cellulose - Features and properties
- Obtaining processes
Lignin - Features and properties
- Obtaining processes
Xylitol and lactic acid - Characteristics and properties
- Methods of obtaining by biotechnological via
Furfural and Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) - Characteristics and properties
- Methods of obtaining
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