Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
PCEO Grado en Ingeniería Biomédica/Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Graphic expression: graphic expression
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving It will make a first partial examination (eliminatory of matter) of the first contents of the matter, that will be able to include test type test, questions of reasoning, resolution of problems and development of practical cases.

It demands reach a minimum qualification of 4,0 points on 10 possible to be able to surpass the subject.
Problem and/or exercise solving It will make a second partial examination (eliminatory of matter) of the remaining contents of the matter, that will be able to include test type test, questions of reasoning, resolution of problems and development of practical cases.

It demands reach a minimum qualification of 4,0 points on 10 possible to be able to surpass the subject.
Laboratory practice It will make a proof of practise of CAD, in which it will verify the capacity of the student in the handle of systems of drawing by computer.

It demands reach a minimum qualification of 5,0 points on 10 possible to be able to surpass the subject
Laboratory practice Along the course, in determinate sessions will pose problems or exercises for his resolution by the students and back delivery to the professor, that will evaluate them in accordance with the criteria that previously will have communicated to the students. These tasks will be so much in format paper as of CAD.

It demands reach a minimum qualification of 5,0 points on 10 possible to be able to surpass the subject.
Other comments on the Evaluation


There will be two eliminatory partial tests (with an approximate
weight of 25% and 35%) in which a minimum mark of 4.0 out of a possible
10 points must be obtained in each of the tests (as well as an overall
5.0) in order to pass the subject. The parts not passed can be passed
later in the final exam of the subject.

In addition to the two
partial tests, the practical work will also be assessed by means of a
CAD test and the different sheet, exercises and practical work that will
be carried out throughout the whole four-month period (with a weight of
20% and 20% respectively for each of these two parts). In order to pass
the subject, a minimum mark of 5.0/10 points must be
achieved in each of these parts.

In the final exam, a
theoretical-practical test will be carried out to assess the degree of
acquisition of competences, in which a minimum grade of 5.0/10 will be required to pass the course.

the second call, there will be a theoretical-practical test in order to pass
the course, it will be necessary to achieve a minimum grade of 5.0/10. This exam is open to all students who have
not passed the subject in any of the previous tests.


Students who
waive continuous assessment must sit the final exam with all the
material and must also take a practical test in order to pass the
subject. This practical test, which will complete the overall final
exam, will consist of two parts, one of CAD and the other of graphic
tracings (in addition, in order to take this practical test, students
may be required to present a series of tasks previously carried out by
the student).

the second call, there will be a theoretical-practical test with
similar characteristics to the final exam, in which, in order to pass
the course, it will be necessary to achieve a minimum grade of 5.0/10. This exam is open to all students who have
not passed the subject in any of the previous tests.

Honor code: Students are expected to observe
academic integrity. If any type of unethical behaviour is detected (e.g.
cheating, plagiarism, use of unauthorised electronic devices, etc.) the
student will be considered as not meeting the requirements to pass the
course and will be assigned a failing grade (0).

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000