Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Química Industrial
  Biotechnological processes and products
   Sources of information
Basic Bibliography Henry C. Vogel; Celeste L. Todaro, Fermentation and biochemical engineering handbook: principles, process design and equipment, 3ª, Elsevier, 2014
Michael R. Ladisch, Bioseparations engineering : principles, practice, and economics, 1ª, Wiley, 2001
Wim Soetaert, Erick J. Vandamme, Industrial biotechnology : sustainable growth and economic success, 1ª, Wiley-VCH, 2010
Robin Smith, Chemical process design and integration, 2ª, John Wiley & Sons, 2016
José A. Teixeira; Antonio A. Vicente, Engineering aspects of food biotechnology, 1ª, CRC Press, 2014
José López Carrascosa y Aurelia Modrego, La biotecnología y su aplicación industrial en España, 1ª, Universidad Carlos III, 1994
OECD, The application of Biotechnology to industrial Sustainability, 1ª, OECD Publishing, 2001
Complementary Bibliography
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