Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Química Industrial
  Chemical engineering 1
Topic Sub-topic
Topic 1. Introduction to Chemical Engineering 1. Concept and evolution of Chemical Engineering.
2. Concept of Unit Operation and classification of them
3. General concepts: Operation regimes, contact types, etc.
Topic 2. Mass and Heat Balances 1. Macroscopic mass balances in steady state, with and without chemical reaction.
2. Macroscopic mass balances in unsteady state, with and without chemical reaction.
3. Macroscopic heat balances in systems with chemical reaction
Topic 3. Introduction to Mass Transfer 1. Basic Principles of Mass Transfer.
2. Individual and Global Mass Transfer Coefficients.
3. Phase Equilibria principles.
Topic 4. Separations Process 1. Absorption
2. Adsorption
2. Distillation/Rectification
3. Liquid-Liquid Extraction
4. Solid-Liquid Extraction
5. Ionic Exchange
Practices 1. Determination of the porosity of a packing.
2. Obtaining calibration curves and handling of measurement equipment.
3. Mass balance without chemical reaction and in unsteady state, in a continuous stirred tank.
4. Mass balance with chemical reaction and in unsteady state: Effect of temperature
5. Differential distillation of a binary mixture.
6. Solid-Liquid Extraction in several stages: Effect of the solvent on the performance of the process.
7. Liquid-Liquid extraction in one stage: Effect of the solvent.
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