Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Inglés técnico II
Tema Subtema
UNIT 1. Facts and figures: Presenting data
- Writing, reading, and presenting facts and figures in a professional setting.
- Understanding symbols and abbreviations.
- Describing dimensions and specifications; phrases related to length, width, thickness, etc.
- Locating required information in a table of technical data.

Language focus
- Expressing facts and figures (mathematical symbols, dates, amounts, internet symbols and abbreviations).
- Phrases for approximating numbers; saying results.
- Vocabulary for describing trends.
- Prepositions.

UNIT 2. Professional Presentations: Presenting with Impact UNIT 2
- Delivering impactful presentations.
- Structuring a presentation.
- Illustrating the importance of body language and voice power to communicate your message clearly and persuasively.
- Describing Trends.
- Describing and referring to visual aids.

Language focus
- Presentation language: Language for introducing your presentation; language for focusing and emphasizing key points; language for in recapping.
- Using persuasive language to create impact.
- Signposting language for linking the parts.
- Cause-effect verbs.
- Describing timelines: past simple, present perfect, etc.

UNIT 3. Technical Descriptions SKills
- Understanding and describing process diagrams, phases and procedures.
- Describing technical functions and applications and explaining how technology works
- Describing specific materials; categorising materials and specifying and describing properties
- Describing component shapes and features; explaining manufacturing techniques
- Describing health and safety precautions and emphasising the importance of precautions.

Language focus
- Verbs for describing stages of a process.
- The passive form: Present simple passive structures.
- Time Connectors.
- Verbs for describing movement; verbs and adjectives to describe advantages; adverbs for adding emphasis.
- Cause-effect (lead to, result in, etc.)
- Negative prefixes (in-, un-, dis-, etc.).
- Relative clauses: Defining vs non-defining relative clauses; shortened relative clauses.
- Mixed conditionals, first vs. second conditional.
- Words for describing mechanisms, machining, properties of materials.
UNIT 4. Applying for a Job Skills
- Doing a self-evaluation of your strengths and weaknesses.
- Writing different types of CV.
- Becoming acquainted with cover and application letters.
- Preparing for job interviews.
- Demonstrating the best body language for job interviews.

Language focus
- Phrases for demonstrating strengths and weaknesses.
- Useful language for talking about yourself, and demonstrating your skills and experience.
- Action verbs; positive adjectives, positive expressions.
- Softening negatives and turning negatives into positives.
- Avoiding spelling mistakes.
- Phrases for opening and closing a letter of application.
UNIT 5. Writing Emails Skills
- Writing short emails with appropriate formatting.
- Recognizing and producing formal and informal language in emails.
- Making your writing structured; writing effective openings and closings
- Handling style, tone and voice.

Language focus
- Common email expressions.
- Writing style.
- Creating a warm, professional tone.
- Avoiding spelling mistakes.
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