Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Grado en Ingeniería en Electrónica Industrial y Automática
  Power electronics
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing They will develop in the schedules fixed by the direction of the centre. They will consist in an exhibition by the professor of key issues of the subject, which will be connected with previous subjects. In this way, active participation of the student will be favored, who will have the opportunity to expose doubts and questions during the session.
Problem solving They will develop in the schedules fixed by the direction of the centre. When appropriate, examples and/or problems illustrating the items under study will be solved.
Laboratory practical During the lab sessions the students will perform the following activity types:
- Circuits wiring.
- Handling of electronic instrumentation
- Measuring in circuits
- Calculations about the circuits and verification measurements
- Compilation and representation of data
At the end of each session of practical each group will report the obtained results.
Autonomous problem solving After each theoretical session, the student should do a systematic review of the topics and all their questions should get clarified. It is recommended solve problems about each topic. In this regard, a book wit step-by-step solution of the problems is provided.
Previous studies To take full advantage of theoretical and lab lessons, it is necessary their previous preparation.
Guidance and documentation will be timely provided by the teachers. Previos preparation of lab section will be qualified.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000