Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía
  Systems and Control Engineering
Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction to industrial automation. 1.1 Introduction to tasks automation.
1.2 Types of control.
1.3 The programmable logic controller.
1.4 Blocks diagram. Elements of the programmable logic controller.
1.5 Cycle of operation of the PLC. Cycle time.
1.6 Ways of operation.
2. Introduction to PLC programming. 2.1 Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal and BCD systems. Real numbers.
2.2 Addresing and access to periphery.
2.3 Instructions, variables and operands.
2.4 Forms of representation of one plan.
2.5 Types of modules of program.
2.6 Linear and structured programming.
3. PLC Programming with Inputs/Outputs. 3.1 Binary variables. Inputs, outputs and memory.
3.2 Binary combinations.
3.3 Operations of assignment.
3.4 Creation of simple program.
3.5 Timers and counters.
3.6 Arithmetic operations.
3.7 Examples.
4. Systems modelling for PLC programming. 4.1 Basic principles. Modelling techniques.
4.2 Petri nets modelling.
4.2.1 Definition of places and transitions. Rules of evolution.
4.2.2 Conditional election between varied alternatives.
4.2.3 Simultaneous sequences. Concurrency. Resource shared.
4.3 Petri nets implantation.
4.3.1 Direct implantation.
4.3.2 Normalized implantation (Grafcet).
4.4 Examples.
5. Basic concepts of automatic control. Representation and modelling of continuous systems. 5.1 Control systems in open and closed loop.
5.2 Typical loop of control. Nomenclature and definitions.
5.3 Physical systems and mathematical models.
5.3.1 Mechanical systems.
5.3.2 Electric systems.
5.3.3 Others.
5.4 State space modelling.
5.5 Transfer function modelling. Laplace transform. Properties. Examples.
6. Analysis of dynamic systems. 6.1 Stability.
6.2 Transient response.
6.2.1 First order systems. Differential equation and transfer functions. Examples
6.2.2 Second order systems. Differential equation and transfer functions. Examples
6.2.3 Effect of the addition of poles and zeros.
6.3 Reduction of systems of upper order.
6.4 Permanent response.
6.4.1 Errors.
6.4.2 Input signals and type of a system.
6.4.3 Error constants.
7. Industrial controllers and parameter tuning. 7.1 Basic control actions. Proportional, integral and derivative effects,.
7.2 PID controller.
7.3 Tuning empirical methods.
7.3.1 Open loop tuning: Ziegler-Nichols and others.
7.3.2 Closed loop tuning: Ziegler-Nichols and others.
7.4 State space design. Poles assignment.
P1. STEP7 introduction. Introduction the program STEP7, that allows to create and modify programs for Siemens PLCs S7-300 and S7-400.
P2. STEP7 programming. Simple automation problem modelling and implantation in STEP7 using binary operations.
P3. RdP modelling and STEP7 implantation. RdP modelling of complex automation example and STEP7 implantation.
P4. GRAFCET modelling and S7-Graph implantation. RdP normalized modelling and automatitation with S7-Graph.
P5. Control systems analysis with MATLAB. Introduction to the specific instructions of systems of control of MATLAB program.
P6. Introduction to SIMULINK. Introduction to the program SIMULINK, extension of MATLAB for dynamic systems simulation.
P7. Transient response modelling in SIMULINK. Modelling and simulation of control systems with SIMULINK.
P8. Empirical tuning of industrial controllers Determination of the parameters of a PID industrial controller poles methods studied and implantation of the control calculated in an industrial controller.
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