Educational guide 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Minas e Enerxía
Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía
  Electronic Technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical Assessment of the laboratory sessions:

The laboratory sessions will be evaluated in a continuous way, on each session. The applied criteria are:

- Previous task preparation of the sessions
- Make the most of the session

The documents of the practices will be available prior to the sessions.
Previous preparation of the practice will be evaluated through scored activities previous to the face-to-face session.

The students will fill report, that will be delivered when the session ends. This report serves to justify both the attendance and how they have done the work asked for.

This methodology assesses expected results related to the basic functioning of electronic devices, the use of computer tools for the analysis and visualization of the value of variables and the correct use of instrumentation.
30 A1
Essay questions exam Problem solving tests and/or development questions that are carried out throughout the semester in which the theoretical contents of the subject are evaluated.
They will consist of the individual completion of objective tests referring to a set of subjects of the subject.

This methodology assesses expected results related to the basic functioning of electronic devices, basic digital circuits, structures of data acquisition systems, basic aspects of different types of sensors and basic electronic power converters.
70 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

1.- Continuous assessment


First Call:


The continuous evaluation will be carried
out throughout the semester. Both the theoretical contents (70% of the final
mark) and the laboratory practices (30% of the final mark) will be evaluated.


The theoretical part of the
subject is evaluated through three partial exams that will be carried out
within the hours assigned to the subject classrooms. The weight of each exam is
23.3% of the final grade. The grade for the theory part (T) will be obtained
from the average of the grades of the three partial exams.


Regarding laboratory practices,
students will be evaluated in all practical sessions and will obtain a grade
for each practice. Sessions without assistance will be scored with a zero. The
laboratory grade (L) will be obtained from the average of the practical sessions
grades. If the student does not pass the subject in the current course, the NL
grade will be retained for two academic years.


The continuous assessment (C)
rating will be calculated as:


C = 0.7 x T + 0.3 x L


To pass the subject by continuous
assessment, both L and C must be greater than or equal to 5 points out of 10. When
L is less than 5, the maximum continuous assessment grade (C) will be 4.5.


Students who have not passed the
continuous assessment during the semester, will be able to recover the
theoretical part on the date established for the first call final exam. In this
case, the students will take an exam on all the theoretical contents of the
subject. The mark obtained in this exam will replace the T grade obtained during
the semester.




Students who have not passed the
continuous assessment on the first call may take an exam of all the theoretical
contents of the subject on the date of the second call. The grade obtained in
this exam will replace the T grade obtained at the first call.


The final continuous assessment (C)
grade will be calculated as:


C = 0.7 x T + 0.3 x L


2.- Global


Students who opt for the global
evaluation method must request it by email to the teaching staff within a maximum
period of one month before the end of the semester.


Those who opt for global
assessment will also have two opportunities, first and second call. In both
cases the assessment will consist of two exams, one of the theoretical part of
the subject with a weight of 70% of the final grade, and another of the
laboratory practices with a weight of 30%.


The theoretical exam will be a
written test lasting two hours. The laboratory practice exam will last one hour
and will take place in the practice laboratory assigned to the subject.


To pass the subject by global
evaluation it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 points out of
10, both in the theoretical and practical exam.


Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000