Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias Xurídicas e do Traballo
Grado en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos
  Law: Constitutional Law
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Problem and/or exercise solving The laboratory component is an integral part of the course and will provide hands-on experience. Students will analyze complex factual issues and write formal legal opinions or reports. Lab work will be evaluated based on the quality of legal reasoning, data analysis, and the overall solution.

Attendance and active participation in the laboratory sessions are mandatory. Assignments will be given both in written form and online, and they will be submitted electronically. Late submissions will be subject to a penalty of 5% per day unless an extension has been granted based on extenuating circumstances. Detailed instructions, including the due dates, will be provided for each assignment.

Active participation in class discussions, asking questions, and engaging with the material will be encouraged. This includes attendance, punctuality, and respectful interaction with peers and the instructor.
Essay questions exam There will be one final exam at the end of the semester, worth 40% of the final grade. The exam will cover material from lectures, readings, and any additional resources provided.

The format of the exam may include long-answer or essay questions as well as problem-solving questions. Dates for the exams will be announced by the Faculty Direction at the beginning of the academic year.
Objective questions exam There will be two test exams throughout the semester, each worth 15% of the final grade. Test exams will cover material from lectures, readings, and any additional resources provided.

The format of the exams may include multiple-choice questions, right or wrong and so on. Dates for the exams will be announced at the beginning of the term by the professor.

Essay There will be one special assignment intended to focus on one or several legal concepts discussed in class and readings: the essay.

The essay will be submitted both in written form and online, and presented for no longer than 15 minutes before the rest of the students.

Late submissions will be subject to a penalty of 5% per day unless an extension has been granted based on extenuating circumstances. Detailed instructions, including the due dates, will be provided for each assignment.

Other comments on the Evaluation

- All work submitted must be original and appropriately cited. Plagiarism or any form of academic fraud will not be tolerated. Such deeds will be subject to disciplinary action, as outlined by the university's academic integrity normative. For further details on this respect visit:

Spanish Grading Scale:

The final grades will be assigned in Spain based on the following scale:

First Class Honours (A): 90% - 100%

Upper Second-Class Honours (B): 80% - 89% 

Lower Second-Class Honours (C): 70% - 79%

Third-Class Honours (D): 50% - 69%

Fail (E): Below 50% 

- A qualification above 40% in the final exam is required to add to the final grade the complementary points obtained in the assignments and test exams.

- Those students that did not attend to regular lessons and lab sessions will be able to achieve the highest grade in a final global exam. The format of this global exam may include long-answer or essay questions (worth 60% of the final grade) as well as problem-solving questions (worth 40% of the final grade). These group of students can ask for special personal attention during the intructors' office hours. The latter will be announced at the beginning of the academic year.

- There are specific rules for the second opportunity:

a) Information for students that attended to regular lessons and lab sessions:

These students should take the part of the exam or complete the activities where they have failed.

b) Information for students that did not attend to regular lessons and lab sessions:

These students will be able to achieve the highest grade in a final global exam. The format of this global exam may also include long-answer or essay questions (worth 60% of the final grade) as well as problem-solving questions (worth 40% of the final grade).

- Information concerning the so-called "last opportunity":

Students in this situation will be able to achieve the highest grade in a final global exam. The format of this global exam may again include long-answer or essay questions (worth 60% of the final grade) as well as problem-solving questions (worth 40% of the final grade). These group of students can ask for special personal attention during the intructors' office hours. The latter will be announced at the beginning of the academic year.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000