Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Comercio
Máster Universitario en Comercio Internacional - Presencial
  Accounting and International Finances
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Evaluation of the student's attendance and participation in class 10 C5
Problem and/or exercise solving Grade obtained by the student in short-answer tests proposed by the professors 90 A4
Other comments on the Evaluation


Students must pass all periodic tests and complete all assignments, activities, or exercises proposed by the course instructor throughout the semester, which will account for 90% of the grade. Specifically, there will be 3 exams (with weights of 20%, 25%, and 25%) and one assignment (with a weight of 20%).

The average grade obtained in these tests and assignments will be increased by up to one point (10% of the final grade) if participatory attendance at lectures, seminars, and problem-solving sessions equals or exceeds 80% of the total.


Students who have not passed or completed any of the periodic tests or any assignments, activities, or exercises must take the final exams for the course on the dates established by the master's academic committee.

In these exams, they must submit any pending assignments or activities and complete the tests not passed during the semester, while retaining the grades of the passed tests and completed assignments or activities from the semester. The final grade will be calculated exclusively based on the grades obtained in the tests, activities, and assignments.

If students do not pass the pending tests, assignments, or activities in the final exam, the maximum final grade in the course will be 4.5.

Students who do not choose continuous assessment can opt only for the final exam, which in this case will have a weight of 100%.

Important note on the assessment system: After one month from the start of the semester, students will have a period of 10 working days to formally and in writing express their intention to opt for the global assessment system in the regular call of that semester, thus renouncing continuous assessment. To do this, they must send an email to the course instructor, with a copy to the master's coordinator ( If this intention is not expressed, it is understood that the student follows continuous assessment, renouncing the global assessment in the regular call of that semester.

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