Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Comercio
Grado en Comercio
  IT applied to commercial management
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay In this section will be graded the work done by students to be delivered within the deadlines specified by the platforms that will be indicated throughout the term. These works will consist of a part in digital support (layout, development, etc.) and another part of presentation through cloud applications. 40
Problem and/or exercise solving There will be 2 tests (one in the middle of the term and the other at the end). These tests will contain exercises proposed by the teacher that will be solved with the help of the computer and will be delivered on the dates to be set through the Moovi platform.
The first test will score 25% and the second test 35%.
Other comments on the Evaluation

All students are reminded of the prohibition of the use of mobile devices or laptops in exercises, practices, and tests, in compliance with Article 13.2.d) of the University Student Statute, regarding the duties of university students, which establishes the duty to "refrain from using or cooperating in fraudulent procedures in evaluation tests, in the work performed or in official University documents".


After exceeding the period of one month from the beginning of the semester, students will have 10 working days to express their intention to switch to the global evaluation system in the ordinary call for the subject, renouncing continuous evaluation. To do this, they must answer a survey in Moovi and send an email to the coordinator of the Degree ( If this intention is not expressed, it is understood that the student follows the continuous assessment, waiving the global assessment in the ordinary call.

Continuous evaluation

The evaluation is composed of two main sections: "Works" and "Problem solving". The first section will be developed throughout the term mainly in the timetable assigned to theory while the second section will take place mainly in the timetable reserved for practices.

  • Works (40%). Different topics will be proposed that will be developed throughout the semester using
    cloud tools to create, share and search for content of interest. All necessary milestones will be assessed
    for the realization and exhibition of the proposed works.
  • Problem solving (60%) through telematic means in the computer room or Remote Campus. This section will be evaluated with two tests: Test 1 and Test 2. The first one (Test 1) will have a weighting of 25% and the second one (Test 2) will have a weighting of 35%. The date of both will be communicated to the students in the Moovi platform at the beginning of the term.

To pass this evaluation it is necessary that the student obtains a minimum score of 50% of the total of the subject, and in addition in the sections "Works" and "Problem solving" it is necessary to obtain a minimum score of 40% of the maximum score of these tests. In the case of "Problem solving" this is required for each of the tests individually.

It is considered a desirable condition to have 80% attendance to the sessions marked for the average. Those students who have opted for continuous evaluation and fail a part, or do not reach the minimums will only attend the global with the part they have failed.

Global exam

To pass this evaluation it is necessary that the student obtains a minimum score of 50% of the total of the subject, and a minimum score of 40% of the maximum score of each section. This exam consists of two sections:

  • Type test and development questions (40%). by telematic means in the computer room or  normal exam.
  • Problem solving (60%) through telematic means in the computer room or Remote Campus.

The global exams will be held on the date set by the center at the end of the term and their scores will be 100%.

Participation in complementary activities

Provided that the student has passed the subject according to the criteria described above, a maximum of 1 point will be added to the grade obtained for participation in certain external or internal activities that may take place during the term in which the subject is taught, and that the faculty of this subject considers of interest. These may be activities organized by the center, the university, or other entities, such as visits to companies, lectures, round tables, conferences, workshops, seminars, or similar. To this end, the teachers of the subject will previously communicate to the students by the usual means (in face-to-face hours or by Moovi) those activities in which the participation will mean an increase of the grade. Participation in each activity will be rewarded with 0.25 points, and up to a maximum of 1 point; in any case, the final grade of the subject may not exceed a maximum of 10. If during the term there are no external activities, the teacher will add the point for attendance to more than 80% of the sessions.

Students must provide a document accrediting their participation in each activity they wish to be counted within the deadlines indicated by the person coordinating the subject. In the case of activities organized by the center, the center will be in charge of collecting this information and transferring it to the teaching staff.

The dates of the official exams can be consulted in the center's web page:

*This didactic guide was originally written in Spanish and has been translated into other languages. If you have any doubts about its interpretation, please consult its Spanish version.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000