Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicación
  Business: Company Fundamentals
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Objective questions exam Two Tests that will be carried out throughout the course, both in theory classes and practices (20% first test and 40% second test). 60 B4
Essay questions exam Third test that contain totally the contents of the subject developed in theory and practical classes.
40 B4
Other comments on the Evaluation

the guidelines established in the degree, two evaluation systems will be
offered: continuous assessment (with two options) and exam-only assessment at the end of the semester. In any of the two evaluation systems, all the
competences of the subject are evaluated.

1. Continuous assessment

continuous assessment will consist of three tests developed
throughout the semester: Two intermediate tests developed in the class period and the third on the official date of the ordinary call. The intermediate tests do not release matter, but each of them will deal with the contents seen until the moment of the test, both in theory and practice classes. For the calculation of the final grade the first test weighs 20%, the second and third test each weigh 40%. 

The dates to take the tests will be planned by the Academic Committee of Degree and will be available at the beginning of the semester. These tests are not recoverable, that is, if a student does not perform them on the
stipulated day, the professor does not have the duty to repeat them (unless
there is a cause of force majeure). A student will be considered to have opted
for continuous assessment when participating in the second test.

 2. Global assessment

For those
students who do not opt for continuous assessment, they will be offered an
evaluation procedure that allows them to obtain the highest grade. This
procedure will consist in a final exam that includes the contents developed in
the classes of theory and practical classes.

3. About the extraordinary call

For the extraordinary call the students
must choose, and communicate in writing (one week before the exam), that they
wish to be evaluated again, in its entirety, up to the maximum possible grade (global assessment) or follow the continuous evaluation procedure  (maintaining 40% of the final grade obtained in the ordinary call and 60% in the extraordinary call). By default, the students save the results of the tests carried out in this course.

4. Qualification Of Absent

A student
will be considered absent if, at most, took part in the first assessment test
of continuous evaluation method. In any another case, the students will be considered
as submitted to the assessment and they will receive their corresponding grade.

5. About the  end-of-program call

It will
consist of an exam that includes the theoretical and practical contents of the

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