Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Biomédica
  Organización do sistema sanitario e enxeñaría de procesos nos servizos sanitarios
Topic Sub-topic
1. Process engineering and management of hospital services -Principles of the approach oriented towards business processes.
- Process-based management.
Interaction of resources and processes: matrix of resources-processes.
- Application of continuous improvement programs for the design and optimization of processes in a health institution.
- Dashboards and indicators
2. Organization and management in the health system. General aspects - Organizational structure of the health system.
Care levels of a hospital center.
- Study of different models of hospital management, public and private.
- Management and organization of the health system and hospital services.
- Efficient management of resources, both human and technical, and of service management.
- Auxiliary services and agreement/contracting of health services
3. HR Management - The importance of personnel
- Hiring processes
- Staff training plans
- Motivation
4. Purchasing and logistics management - Planning, financing, purchases and supplies.
- Auxiliary services of a non-sanitary nature: supply and logistics.
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