Guia docente 2024_25
Escola de Enxeñaría Industrial
Máster Universitario en Enxeñaría Industrial
  Computer-Aided Mechanical Design
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT Resolution of practical problems with support of software. It will value the delivery of several reports along the course, any of which will take an upper value to 40% of the total note of the matter. 70 A2
Problem and/or exercise solving Resolution and delivery of exercises along the course, in regard to the specific contents developed in the theoretical sessions. 30 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation
<*p>In this matter will evaluate the work related with:<*ul><*li>Practical of laboratory. It will value :<*ul><*li>The assistance to the practices of laboratory, the qualification of the reports delivered in each practice and the works supervised. Will have a maximum assessment of 7 points *osbre the final note. To be evaluated in this section, the student has to assist to a minimum of 75% of the practical classes.<*li>For the students that request renunciation to continuous evaluation and accept it officially, will be able to not assisting to practices but will have to complete of the same form the works proposed for his evaluation.<*li>Examination. It will make an examination whose value will be like minimum 3 points gives final note.<*div>Ethical commitment: it expects that the present student a suitable ethical behaviour. In case to detect a *nbsp;behaviour&no ethical (copy, plagiarism, utilisation of unauthorised electronic devices, and others) will consider that the&*nbsp;student does not gather the necessary requirements to surpass the matter. In this case the global qualification in the present course&*nbsp;academician will be of suspense (0.0).<*p>Will not allow the utilisation of any electronic device during the proofs of evaluation except permission expresses.&*nbsp;The fact to enter an unauthorised electronic device in the classroom of the examination will be considered reason of no&*nbsp;*superación of the matter in the present academic course and the global qualification will be of suspense (0.0).
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000