Dilip K. Arora et al, Handbook of fungal biotechnology, Marcel Dekker, 2004
Graeme M. Walker, Yeast physiology and biotechnology, John Wiley Sons, 1998
W. Aehle, Enzymes in industry: production and applications, Wiley VCH, 2004
B. Atkinson et al, Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Handbook, The McMillan Press, 1991
F. Gòdia et al, Ingeniería Bioquímica, Síntesis, 1998
J. E. Bu'Lock et al, Biotecnología Básica, Acribia, 1991
A. Illanes, Enzyme Biocatalysis. Principles and Applications, Springer, 2008
Koki Horikoshi, Extremophiles Handbook., Springer, 2011
Bibliografía Complementaria
G. Antranikian, Extremophiles,
H.J. Rehm et al, Biotechnology a multi-volume comprehensive treatise, VCH, 1991
A. Wiseman, Handbook of enzyme biotechnology, Halsted Press, 1995
H.W Blanch et al, Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Dekker, 1997