Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Animal physiology II
Topic Sub-topic
Chapter I: Cardiovascular Physiology (Professor Soengas) Topic 1. General characteristics of cardiovascular systems
Topic 2. The heart
Topic 3. Regulation of cardiac activity.
Topic 4. Arterial, venous and capillary circulation. Lymphatic system
Topic 5. Regulation of blood pressure and circulation
Chapter II: Physiology of respiration (Professor Soengas) Topic 6. General characteristics of breathing
Topic 7. Aquatic breathing
Topic 8. Air breathing
Topic 9. Diffusion and transport of respiratory gases
Topic 10. Regulation of breathing
Chapter III: Excretory function and osmoregulation (Professor Soengas) Topic 11. General characteristics of excretion
Topic 12. Formation of urine
Topic 13. Osmoregulation
Topic 14. Regulation of acid-base balance
Chapter IV: Digestive Physiology (Professor Míguez) Topic 15. Functional anatomy of the digestive system of vertebrates
Topic 16. Motility and digestive secretions
Topic 17. Digestion and absorption
Topic 18. Regulation of intake. hunger and satiety
Chapter V: Reproduction (Professor Míguez) Topic 19. General characteristics of reproduction
Topic 20. Male reproductive function in vertebrates
Topic 21. Female reproductive function in vertebrates.
Topic 22. Fertilization, gestation, birth and lactation
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