Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Microbiology I
Topic Sub-topic
1. INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY 1.1. Object and Field of study of the Microbiology. 1.2. Subdisciplines and Specialitys. 1.3. Historical development and perspectives. 1.4. Professional fields of the microbiologist.
2. THE MICROORGANISMS IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCALE 2.1. Concept of microorganism. 2.2. Form, size and Relation Surface/Volume. 2.3. Evolutionary origin of the microorganisms. 2.4. Levels of cellular organisation. 2.5. Microbial multicellular structures.
3. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF VIRUS AND BACTERIOPHAGES 3.1. General characteristics of virus and bacteriophages. 3.2. Architecture of eukaryote viruses. 3.3. Architecture prokaryote viruses. 3.4. Infective cycle of virus and phages. 3.5. Subviral particles.
4. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE PROKARYOTIC CELL 4.1. External structures and function in prokaryotes 4.2. Internal structures and function in prokaryotes 4.3. Exceptions to the prokaryotic cellular organization.
4.4. Differences between Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya
5. GROWTH IN CULTURE MEDIA 5.1. Microbial growth and cellular division.
5.2. Measure of the growth: direct and indirect methods. 5.3. Mathematical expression of growth kinetics. 5.4. Discontinuous and Continuous Growth. Applications. 5.5. Environmental factors that affect microbial growth.
6. GROWTH IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS. CONTROL OF THE GROWTH 6.1. Characteristics of the growth in natural environments. 6.2. Processes of communication and multicellularity. 6.3. VBNC state. 6.4. Physical and chemical agents to control microbial growth. 6.5. Biological agents to control microbial growth. 6.6. Antimicrobial resistance.
7. EXCLUSIVE METABOLIC ACTIVITIES OF MICROORGANISMS 7.1. Elements and Nutritional Categories. 7.2. ATP generation in lithotrophic microorganisms. 7.3. ATP generation in phototrophic microorganisms. 7.4. Generation of ATP in organotrophic microorganisms. 7.5. Anabolic processes of microorganisms.
8. CULTURE NON-DEPENDENT METHODS FOR THE STUDY OF MICROORGANISMS AND VIRUSES 8.1. U.V. light microscopy: non-specific fluorescence. 8.2. Flow cytometry. 8.3. In situ hybridization techniques. 8.4. Selective Amplification and Sequencing: PCR; Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis; NGS Sequencing Techniques. 8.5. Principles of Metagenomic Analysis.
9. GENETICS OF MICROORGANISMS 9.1. Mechanisms of prokaryotic gene expression regulation. 9.2. Extrachromosomal elements.. 9.3. Genetic exchange in bacteria. 9.4. Virus replication: generalities. 9.5. Bacterial immunity against viruses: CRISPR-CAS system.

1. Test to determine the effect of culture conditions on microbial growth.

2. Study of the density and population diversity of the epibiont microbiota in biological samples

1.1. Trial design. 1.2. Calculation of the innoculum volume. 1.3. Construction of a Straight Pattern Optical Density/Cellular Density. 1.4. Mathematical expression of growth. 1.5. Determination of yield in biomass. 1.6. Quantification of the effect of culture conditions. 1.7. Representation and Analysis of results.

2.1. Sample processing. 2.2. Quantification of Viable Cell Diversity and Density. 23. Characterization of isolates and population dynamics. 2.4. Analysis of results.
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