Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Biology: Informatic tools in biology
Topic Sub-topic
Research of information in Biology. Concept of database. Main biological databases. Applications of databases in biology. Creation and management of databases.
Technicians and physical principles of the teledetection. Teledetection, spectrum EM, processes of interaction with the matter. Resolutions, orbits and sources of data of teledetection. Spectral behaviour of the covers, measurable parameters and indexes of interest in biology.
Visual and digital treatment of image. Corrections, Improvements and Transformations
Systems of geographic information (*GIS). Systems of Geographic Information, Systems of Coordinates and Projections. Conservation and management of the territory. GIS In R, vectorial formats and raster, operations with layers GIS.
Notions of programming. The computer as a working tool in biology. Biology and the programming. What is to program? What is a programming language? Reasons for programming in Biology? Introduction to programming.
Free software for the programming and the treatment of data in Biology. Tools for an open science
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