Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
   Training and Learning Results
Code Description
A2 Students should know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way. They also should have the competences that are usually proved through the elaboration and defence of arguments and the resolution of problems within their study field.
A3 Students should prove ability for information-gathering and interpret important data (usually within their study field) to judge relevant social, scientific or ethical topics.
B2 Ability of reading and analizing scientific papers and having critical assessment skills to understand data collection, deducing the main idea from the least relevant ones and basing on the correponding conclusions.
B3 Acquisition of general knowledge about the basic subjects of biology, both at theory and experimental level, without dismissing a higher specialization in subjects that are oriented to a concrete professional area.
B4 Ability in handling experimental tools, both scientific and computer technology equipment that support the search for solutions to problems related to the basic knowledge of biology and with those of a concrete labour context.
B5 Understanding of the levels of organization of living beings from a structural (molecular, cellular and organic) and functional point of view by observing their relations with the environment and other organisms, as well as their appearances in situations of environmental alteration.
B7 Collection of information about issues of biologic interest, analysis and emission of critical opinions and reason them including the reflection about social and/or ethical aspects related to the issue.
C1 Obtaining, managing, preserving, describing and identifying current biological organisms and fossils.
C12 Cataloguing, mapping, assessing, preserving, restoring and managing natural and biological resources.
C13 Assessing environmental impact. Diagnosing and solving environmental issues
D1 Development of capacity of analysis and synthesis
D5 Use of computer resources related to the study field
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000