Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Bioloxía
Grado en Biología
  Drafting and execution of projects
Topic Sub-topic
Block 0 Presentation of the subject
Block 1. Competitions *profesionales of the biologist. Projects of study in biology: - professional Competitions of the biologist. - Documents *y Studios: *valoracions, and *licitacions public in biology. - *Propiedad Industrial and intellectual: companies of technological base. *Emprendimiento, innovation *y *autoempleo.
Block 2. Practical methodology stop the manufacture of projects and studies. - Projects. Definition and structure. - The memory. Structure and index by heart. Activity and *diagrama of the process. Purpose and range. Data of identification. Description of functional blocks. Application of the legislation. Conclusions. - Principles of representation in projects. Typology of the representation: dimension and relation. Sizes of blocks of title and scales. *Plegado Of formats the The4. - Criteria stop the manufacture of the representation of biological activities. Diagrams of principle. - Budget, assessment of the project. - Planning of projects. *Diagrama Of *Gantt - oral Presentation of the project.
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