Guia docente 2024_25
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Filoloxía Aplicada Galega e Española
  Idioma (A) Inglés III
Tema Subtema
A. Writing skills 1. Organize an opinion essay
2. Add supporting ideas and details: descriptive essay
3. Describe a process: description of a diagram
4. Write a summary
5. Organize a problem-solution essay
6. Organize a review
7. Organize a compare-contrast essay
8. Describe data in charts: description of visuals
B. Reading skills 1. Recognize how information is supported
2. Understand unfamiliar vocabulary
3. Make inferences
4. Take notes
5. Understand references within a text
6. Recognize coherence and cohesion
7. Recognize cause and effect
8. Analyze visual information
C. Grammar for writing 1. Simple and compound sentences
2. Punctuation: comma, period, semicolon, etc.
3. Adjective clauses
4. The passive voice
5. Parallel structure
6. Noun phrases and clauses
7. Linkers: coordinating, subordinating, transitions
8. Pronouns and related words
9. Comparatives and superlatives
D. Academic vocabulary 1. Antonyms and synonyms
2. Polysemy
3. Word formation: 3.1. Bound vs free morphemes. 3.2. Roots, suffixes and combining forms. 3.3. Prefixes and suffixes.
4. Greek and Latin roots 'mot-' and 'cycl-'
5. Collocations: e.g. adjective/noun + preposition
6. Compound words
7. Word formation: suffixes '-or', '-er', '-ion'
8. Prepositional and phrasal verbs
E. Critical thinking 1. Understand a writer's purpose
2. Evaluate the strength of an argument
3. Connect new ideas to what you know
4. Support your opinions
5. Evaluate solutions
6. Understand the order of events
7. Connect information to personal experiences
8. Notice similarities and differences
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