Guia docente 2024_25
Centro Universitario de la Defensa de la Escuela Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Environmental technology
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Laboratory practical Evaluation of the work in the laboratory and of the summary report with the data obtained in the practices, its analysis and discussion.
At the end of each practice, the student must prepare a detailed report including aspects such as: objectives and theoretical fundaments of the practice, experimental procedure, materials used, the results obtained and their discussion. In addition, the comprehension of the practice, the student's synthesis capacity, the writing style and the presentation of the report, as well as the student's personal contribution, are evaluated. These reports will be compulsory and rated, each of them, on 10 points, and represent 10% of the continuous assessment. In addition, an exam corresponding to laboratory practices (5%) will be carried out.
15 B7
Objective questions exam The theoretical and practical knowledge acquired by the student during the masterclasses and seminars will be monitored. There will be two continuous assessment tests of theory and problems (P1 and P2), with a weight of 15% each. Such tests will be compulsory and scored on 10 points. 30 B7
Essay The students, in pairs or groups of 3, will carry out a written essay on contents related to Topic 8 "Environmental impact assessment and management" or on key aspects of other lessons that it is appropriate to further study. Part of the work will focus on seeking the real application of the addressed topic in different industrial or social fields, evidencing the multidisciplinary application of environmental engineering. Moreover, the students will have to reflect on the ethical and social implications of the studied content. Finally, each group will present their work orally and the peer-assessment among students will be encouraged. 5 C16
Problem and/or exercise solving During class hours, individual tasks (TI, 5%) and activities to promote the student learning (TO, 5%), that may be individuals or in groups and they will be proposed in order to monitor the contents taught. These activities will be compulsory and scored, each of them, on 10 points. 10 C16
Essay questions exam Final Exam (FE)
At the end of the course, the knowledge acquired by the student will be evaluated by means of a written test with theoretical contents (4 points) and problems (6 points). Such exam will be compulsory and scored on 10 points.

40 B7
Essay questions exam Ordinary Exam
If the students do not pass the continuous evaluation, they will have an ordinary exam after the final exam. In this exam the students will be evaluated of all the contents taught, both theoretical and practical. It will be necessary to obtain a grade higher than 4 points out of 10 in each of the parts (theory and problems) in such exam. Besides, there will be a test related to the laboratory practices (with a weight of 5%).
100 B7
Essay questions exam Extraordinary Exam
The student will be examined of all the theoretical / practical contents taught in the subject during the ordinary course. In addition, it will be necessary to obtain a grade higher than 4 points out of 10 in each of the parts (theory and problems) evaluated in such exam. Besides, there will be a test related to the laboratory practices (with a weight of 5%).
100 B7
Other comments on the Evaluation

Minimum requirements to pass the continuous evaluation: the student must obtain a minimum of 5 in his/her total grade. In addition, the students will have to attend to the ordinary exam to pass the course in the following cases:

  • The non-completion or delivery of any of the proposed tests/activities.
  • If the obtained grade is lower than 4 points out of 10 in some of the parts (theory and problems) of the Final Exam.

Those students that do not fulfil any of the previous requirements will have a maximum grade of 4.0 in the continuous evaluation. All those students that have passed the continuous evaluation, but wish to improve their qualification, could attend to the ordinary exam.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are expected to show adequate ethical behaviour, committing to act honestly. Based on article 42.1 of the Regulation on the evaluation, qualification and quality of teaching and the student learning process of the University of Vigo, as well as point 6 of the fifth rule of Order DEF/711/2022, of July 18th,which establishes the requirements for evaluation, progress, and ongoing enrolment in military educational training centres for incorporation into the ranks of the Armed Forces, any violation of academic integrity inthe assessment process, as well as the cooperation in it will result in theassignment of a failing grade to the student (zero) for the entire course in the corresponding assessment opportunity, regardless of the percentage of importance that the test in question had in the overall continuous assessment and independently of other disciplinary actions that may be applied. 

In the
academic activities and assignments of this course, the use
of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools is allowed, used in
an ethical, critical and responsible manner.
 In case you have used
GAI, you should critically evaluate any results it provides, carefully verify
any citations or references generated, and declare the use of these tools. It
is not necessary to disclosure the use of GAI in tasks that do not produce
content (proofreading language   -
spelling or grammar - in a document, translating text, obtaining suggestions to reorganize
content or modify the style of a document, or to adapt the format of
bibliographic references). AI-generated content (text, images,
etc.) must be disclosured and correctly referenced, providing, at least,
the following elements: generated content, prompt used in the query, tool used,
version, company authoring the software, date on which the query was made and
the link to the tool's website. The detection of situations involving
non-disclosure of GAI will be considered academic fraud and the measures
described in the previous paragraph will be applied.

INTENSIVE COURSE: In the case that the students do not pass the ordinary exam, they have to do the extraordinary examn in July. The CUD-ENM proposes for these students an intensive course during the months of June and July of 15 hours during three weeks to prepare this exam. It will be elaborated a specific educational guide for such course. In the extraordinary exam, the student will be evaluated of all the practical/theoretical contents taught in the subject during the ordinary course. In addition, it will be necessary to obtain a grade higher than 4 points out of 10 in each part (theory and problems) of the exam.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000