Educational guide 2024_25
Centro Universitario da Defensa da Escola Naval Militar de Marín
Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
  Resistance of materials
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Lecturing Participatory masterclasses. In these sessions, the faculty will explain in detail the basic theoretical contents of the course, exposing clarifying examples that help to better understand the concepts.
Computer presentations and the blackboard will be used, especially to transmit information like definitions, charts, algorithms, etc. When it is possible, a copy of the slides will be given to the students in advance, focusing the effort of the lecturers and the students on the exhibition and understanding of the concepts. Anyway, the reproductions in paper of the slides should not be considered like substitutes of the texts, but like complementary material.

Resolution of problems and/or exercises. In some sessions problems and/or exercises related to the subject will be formulated which the students have to resolve aided by the professor. The problems and/or exercises will treat to pose real situations involving other engineering disciplines as, for example, the traction/propulsion, industrial processes, production and manufacture, etc. Thus, the students will have a more transversal vision of the subject and will see how it can help to solve problems of other disciplines.
Laboratory practical Small participatory master sessions. Sometimes, it will be necessary to explain in the laboratory practical concepts giving useful advices for the best advantage of the practical classes.

Supervised laboratory practices. The practices of the laboratory will be carried out in groups of 2-4 students. These groups will have to autonomously perform a series of tests that will be supervised by the corresponding lecturer. The resolution of the practical laboratory will demand the contribution of each member of the group, guaranteeing the positive interdependence requires for the success of the collaborative work.
Problem solving Resolution of problems and/or exercises. Active problem solving in team will be carried, boosting the participation, to complement and consolidate the contents of the theorecial lessons.
Project based learning Project-based learning. As the course progresses, it will be proposed a project to be done in group (preferably of two people) that will last several weeks. We will use the educational methodology of project-based learning. The solution of the project will demand the contribution of the knowledge acquired by each member of the group, guaranteeing the positive interdependence that is required for the success of the collaborative work. On the other hand, the project will be evaluated guaranteeing the individual work and the positive interdependence, this is, all the members of the group must have worked and contributed to the final product and have to know all the aspects of the project.
It will be provided material and bibliography, and it will exist the possibility of a public presentation of the project.
Seminars An intensive course (15 hours long) is organized for those students who have failed the subject at first call, prior to the exam in second call. Group tutoring with the lecturer.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000