Guia docente 2024_25
Escola Universitaria de Enfermaría de la Deputación Provincial de Pontevedra
Grado en Enfermería
  Modern language: Technical english
Topic Sub-topic
Unit 1. INTRODUCTION Presentation of the subject
Unit 2. THE HUMAN BODY 1. Introduction to health science terminology
2. Main parts of the human body (common name vs. scientific name). Latin suffixes and prefixes
3. Main organs of the human body and their function
4. Polite instructions and requests. Use of the imperative. Prepositions, prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs.
5. Comprehension of texts related to the topic.
Unit 3. SCIENTIFIC TEXTS 1. Scientific texts and their parts
2. Literature searches in English
3. Reading comprehension techniques
4. Use of connectors for discourse
5. Analysis and comprehension of specific texts
Unit 4. PRESENTATIONS 1. How to present data effectively (use of graphs, images).
2. Communication strategies (how to introduce yourself, how to catch the audience's attention, pronunciation, feedback).
3. Main sections of the presentation (introduction, body and conclusion)
4. Use of connectors for speech
Unit 5. THE HOSPITAL 1. Healthcare staff and other staff working in the hospital.
2. The hospital. Describing locations. Prepositions of place and movement.
3. Use of the present simple and present continuous tense.
4. Comprehension of texts related to the topic.
Unit 6. HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS 1. Asking personal information. Introductions. Greetings
2. Asking questions (direct and indirect questions).
3. Use of medical abbreviations in English
4. Use of past simple and past continuous
5. Comprehension of texts related to the topic.
Unit 7. HEALTH AND ILLNESS 1. Terms related to health and disease
2. Asking about the patient's needs
3. Vocabulary related to common signs and symptoms
4. Terms and expressions related to pain
5. Expressions of kindness. Advice. Warnings
6. Comprehension of texts related to the topic.
Unit 8. MEDICATION 1. Types and forms of medication
2. Vocabulary on measurement units and numerical expressions
3. Medication leaflets and labels
4. Use of the future tense
5. Comprehension of texts related to the subject
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