Guia docente 2024_25
Facultad de Dirección y Gestión Pública
Grado en Dirección y Gestión Pública
  Political Science: Governance, Globalization and Human Rights
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Lecturing Master Lesson: MULTIPLE-CHOICE TESTS on the contents of the theoretical classes of the master lesson, to evaluate the skills acquired by the students that includes 20 closed questions with four answer options: a)b)c)d), of which a single answer is correct or incorrect. At least a favourable score of 40% of the total of this test must be obtained to pass the discipline. 40 A1
Problem solving Problem solving: Resolution of practical cases (PRACTICAL). Students will have at their disposal the assistance of the teacher to facilitate the development of this activity. Analysis, reflection and presentation of issues that have to do with the main problems raised in the theoretical classes carried out through the lecture. Students will have at their disposal the assistance of the teacher in class to facilitate the performance of this activity. Some of these practices may be carried out through the system of "elaboration of work through the Project-Based Learning system" (PBL) entrusted by the teaching staff on topics related to the subject and aimed at improving the understanding of the contents and skills related to cooperation, leadership, communication and strengthening of personal relationships. 30 A1
Case studies CASE STUDIES. Study, analysis, reflection and presentation of cases and supervised work on the issues dealt with in the matter. The teaching staff will assist the students in those questions and doubts raised (in class and through personalized tutoring) for their elaboration. The performance and evaluation of this test can be carried out through the SL methodology (in accordance with the lines approved by the Social Responsibility and Cooperation Area) and/or through PBL (Project-Based Learning -teaching innovation project of the Faculty-). All the information on this way of passing the case studies will be clearly available to the students. The choice between carrying out the case studies through work, or carrying them out through the methodologies of (ApS and/or PBL Innovation Project) will be voluntary on the part of the students, who will be duly informed from the beginning of the teaching of the subject about both modalities, their realization and evaluation. The teacher will also publish this detailed information in the space reserved for the discipline in Moovi. ApS is an EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING (connecting with various groups through one or several public entities), preparing students for global citizenship and social responsibility in an interconnected, "glocal" world, especially in THEMES ALIGNED WITH THE SDGS OF THE 2030 AGENDA: protection of cultural heritage; equality and non-discrimination; environmental protection; food security (sustainable and resilient agricultural practices and genetic diversity); the circular economy; global food waste; energy and renewable problems; new technologies and the impact on fundamental rights; EU values. THE TEACHING INNOVATION PROJECT (ABP) will also be aligned with these topics of the subject. 30 A1
Other comments on the Evaluation

Information on the assessment activities is available in the subject
space on the virtual campus, under the Assessment tab for each topic.

It is an essential condition for the completion of the final evaluation
of the subject, to obtain at least 0.5% in each of the points (Multiple choice
tests, Practices and Case Studies).

As expressed in previous sections, throughout the course 3 tests will be
carried out with a weighting or value of the Tests = Multiple Choice Tests
(40%) + Practices (Problem Solving) (30%) + Case Studies (30%). In the ordinary
call and in the extraordinary call, a decree will be opened so that students
can take these tests through continuous evaluation, after an official date
established by the Faculty for the "final exam". In this way, there
is the possibility of carrying out the evaluation (continuous and/or global
evaluation) in the ordinary call and in the extraordinary call.

In the extraordinary call (June/July) the same criteria indicated for
the ordinary call or first call will be applied, except in relation to the PBL,
ApS and Innovation Project methodologies of the Faculty, which must be carried
out in the 1st call or ordinary call (from September to December). Students
will have the option of taking the extraordinary call (second call) based on
the adaptation of these activities made by the teacher and whose content will
be posted on the platform.

This is a subject from the English Friendly program. International
students may request from the teaching staff: a) materials and bibliographies
for the monitoring of the subject in English, b) attend tutorials in English,
c) tests and evaluations in English. Description of the English Friendly
programme: The English Friendly subjects are subjects of professional gros and
master's degrees of the University of Vigo that are taught in Spanish/Galician,
but in which the teaching staff acquires the following commitments: Indicate
the English Friendly nature of the subject in the teaching guide, according to
the procedure indicated by the Vice-Rectory; Translate the teaching guide of
the subject into English during the period of editing the teaching guides,
paying special attention to general description, content and evaluation; To
provide the materials and bibliographic references for the follow-up of the
subject in English, in the event that international students so require; Attend
tutorials in English, if required by international students; Design and
implement tests and assessments in English, if required by the international
student; Whenever possible, PPT presentations or in another format will be
uploaded to the MOOVI space in two versions (English and Spanish/Galician);
Internships/exercises/case studies will be offered in both English and
Spanish/Galician, whenever possible.

It will be a necessary requirement for the development of the subject
that the teaching staff of the same can have an updated PHOTOGRAPH of the
students that must be uploaded to the platform at the beginning of the course,
and always before September 30. 

(*) The sole purpose of the processing of this
data is for the teaching staff of the subject to verify the identity of the
students enrolled in it. The basis of legitimacy for the processing of this
data is applied in application of the provisions of article 6.1e) of the RJPD
in which the processing is necessary for the exercise of the public powers
conferred on the data controller based on article 9 of Law 39/2015, of 1
October, on the common administrative procedure of public administrations and
article 25.7 of RD 1791/2010,   of 30
December, approving the Statute of University Students. Access to the image and
personal data of the students is only allowed to the teaching staff of each
subject for the performance of the academic activities indicated in this
teaching guide and will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose, and the
corresponding duty of confidentiality must be maintained.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000