Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Case studies Analysis of a fact, problem or real event with the purpose of knowing it, interpreting it, solving it, generating hypotheses, contrasting data, reflecting, completing knowledge, diagnosing it and
train in alternative solution procedures.
Learning outcomes: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.
20 A2
Mentored work The performance and presentation and defense of the group work within the deadlines established at the beginning of the course is mandatory for
pass the subject This activity includes the search and collection of
information, reading and handling bibliography, writing and analysis
critique of the work, as well as the presentation, exhibition and defense of the work.
Learning outcomes: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8, LO9, LO10, LO11.
10 A2
Essay questions exam Tests in which the students must
develop, relate, organize and present the knowledge they have about the subject
in a reasoned answer.
Learning outcomes: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7, LO8.
30 A2
Laboratory practice The students must execute and reason different Kinesitherapy techniques.
Learning outcomes: LO9, LO10.
40 A2
Other comments on the Evaluation

Two evaluation systems are established for the first opportunity: continuous evaluation and global evaluation. The default evaluation of each student, in the first opportunity of this subject, is the continuous evaluation.

In order for a student to be eligible for the overall assessment of this subject at the first opportunity, they must renounce the continuous assessment system for this subject and adhere to the overall assessment system for this subject, in accordance with the procedure and deadlines established by the center .

The evaluation of each student, in the second opportunity and in the final call for this subject, will be carried out through a global evaluation.

Continuous assessment:

The continuous evaluation will be carried out through different activities that must be carried out within the deadlines established at the beginning of the teaching and that will be published on the moovi platform. In the presentation of the subject, all the information related to the continuous evaluation will be detailed. It is the obligation of the students to collect all the necessary information to be able to follow the continuous evaluation in accordance with the instructions given by the teacher at the beginning of the subject.

Continuous evaluation will be carried out through the following activities:

- Case study (20%): It will consist of different activities related to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.

- Examination of development questions (30%). Tests in which the student must develop, relate, organize and present the knowledge they have on the subject through reasoned answers.

- Work (10%): The evaluation of the work will take into account the submitted work of the subject - manuscript - (5%) and the presentation and defense of the work of the subject (5%).

- Laboratory practice (40%): Students must execute and reason different kinesitherapy techniques.

The theoretical content of the course will be evaluated by means of a case study (20%) and an exam of development questions (30%). The practical contents of the course will be evaluated by means of assignments (10%) and laboratory practicals (40%).

In order to pass the course it is essential to pass the theoretical and practical part in both cases. In the case of not passing the continuous evaluation, the student will have to take a second exam according to the criteria described in the global evaluation.

The theoretical contents of the subject will be evaluated by means of Case study (20%) and Examination of development questions (30%). The practical contents of the subject will be evaluated by means of Work (10%) and Laboratory practice (40%).

To pass the subject it is essential to pass the theoretical and practical part in both cases. If the student does not pass the continuous evaluation, he/she will have to be examined in a second opportunity according to the criteria described in the global evaluation.

Overall evaluation:

The official exam dates are published on the center's website on the subject's moovi platform

Theoretical contents:

- Theoretical exam (40%): The theoretical exam will consist of 5 development questions related to the theoretical contents of the subject.

Practical contents:

- Laboratory practice (40%): In the practical exam the student will have to execute and reason about different Kinesitherapy techniques.

- Case study (20%): The student must reason and argue the kinesitherapy techniques relating the physiological effects, the indications and contraindications as well as the characteristics of the maneuvers applied in the case presented.

To pass the subject it is necessary to separately pass the theoretical exam (get at least 5 on the scale from 0 to 10) and the laboratory practice (get at least 5 on the scale from 0 to 10).


Students who take this subject are required to behave responsibly and honestly. Any form of fraud (i.e. copying and/or plagiarism) tending to falsify the level of knowledge or ability reached by a student in any type of test, report or work designed for that purpose is considered inadmissible. Fraudulent conduct may result in the subject being suspended for an entire course. An internal record of these actions will be kept so that, in the event of recidivism, the opening of a disciplinary file can be requested at the rectory.

Ethical commitment:

Students must exhibit appropriate ethical behavior. In the event of unethical conduct (copying of seminars, plagiarism of work, use of unauthorized electronic equipment, etc.) that prevents the correct development of the teaching activity, it will be considered that the student

does not meet the necessary requirements to pass the subject, and in this case the grade will be suspended for the current academic year (0.0). The use of any electronic device will not be allowed during the evaluation tests unless expressly authorized. The fact of introducing an unauthorized electronic device into the exam room will be considered a reason for failing the subject in the current academic year and the overall grade (0.0) will be suspended.

Image and/or audio recording: Unless expressly authorized by the teacher, recording, in whole or in part, both sound and image, of master classes, seminars or practices of the subject will not be allowed, in accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Law, the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and the Organic Law on Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, Personal and Family Privacy and Own Image. Depending on the subsequent use, the recording without consent may give rise to civil, disciplinary, administrative and, where appropriate, criminal responsibilities.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000