Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  Psychology: Applications in health sciences
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Practices through ICT It will analyse and it will argue the audiovisual material that tackle concepts or theories of the matter. The student has to deliver a dossier of each one of the subjects of the matter. 30 B2
Objective questions exam Carry a proof type test to evaluate the theoretical contents. 40 B4
Report of practices, practicum and external practices The students will have to deliver and expose a work, that will do in group 30 B2
Other comments on the Evaluation
The qualification of the suspense never will be upper to 4,5. Therefore, it could give the case that a student/to obtain in the global evaluation, taking into account the percentages of the proofs of evaluation, a qualification of 5 on 10 or upper; nevertheless, if the student has fail the proof of examination of objective questions separately, the qualification in the global evaluation will be of suspense.

 - The students that do not want to follow the continuous evaluation will have to notify it by writing following the procedure that establish the  Physiotherapy Faculty. The renunciation to the continuous evaluation has to make in the 5ª week of teaching, what supposes that it will assume the global evaluation established in the subject. Once renounced to the continuous evaluation will not have  right to the same, neither to the considerations that in her establish .

All students, with or without continuous evaluation, must present in writing and orally the work assigned by the teachers.

 The Teaching Guide will follow the “REGULAMENTO SOBRE A AVALIACIÓN, A CALIFICACIÓN E A CALIDADE DA DOCENCIA E DO PROCESO DE APRENDIZAXE DO ESTUDANTADO” (Approved in the "Clautro" of the 18 April 202), as well as the specific adaptations for the Degree in determinate Physiotherapy in Junta of Centre.

-When the student make the  CONTINUOUS EVALUATION will have to present to the examination of objective proof (40% of the qualification) and the dosier of the practices made with support of the TIC (30% of the qualification), equally will have to make and deliver a work grupal and expose it (30% of the qualification)

 -GLOBAL EVALUATION (renunciation to continuous evaluation): it will have to make an examination of objective questions  that will suppose 100% of the qualification
 -EXTRAORDINARY EVALUATION- RECOVERY. In July will have to examine   of the contents and skills that did not arrive to surpass in the announcement of June, when conserving  the qualification of the competitions purchased. The extraordinary evaluation will carry out by means of an examination of objective questions  that will suppose 100% of the qualification.
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