Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal
Grado en Ingeniería Forestal
  Wood preservation and drying technology
Topic Sub-topic
Technology of the conservation of the wood Introduction: Pathologies of the wood natural Durability of the wood and *impregnabilidad Classes of use: *CU 1, *CU 2, *CU3, *CU4 and *CU5 protective Products and systems of application Wood modified: processes and products Systems of application of protective Treatments of the different wood to the employment of chemical products technical Report on pathology Measured of constructive design for the protection of the wood Reinforcements of wooden structures
Technology of the dried of the wood Introduction: physical Principles of the dried Dried natural Dried artificial Phases of the dried artificial *Presecaderos Tunnels of dried Cameras of dried Dried of the wood by special methods Defects originated in the dried Programming and design of *secaderos
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