Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grado en Educación Infantil
  Foreign Language 1: French
Topic Sub-topic
1. Linguistic aspects: vocabulary, grammar, semantics, phonetic accuracy, spelling, orthoepy. 1. The Common European Framework levels A1 and A2.
2. Socio-linguistic aspects: linguistic markers for social relations, politeness norms, folk wisdom sayings, differences in registers. 1. Introducing yourself to others / introducing other people: physical appearance, personality, family and work environment.

2. Talking about yourself: expressing likes and preferences.

3. Organizing agendas and planning activities.

4. Setting up meetings and making invitations.
3. Speech aspects: ordering sentences according to natural sequence, cause and effect relationships (or vice versa), and speech structuring; ordering speech according to thematic organization, coherence and cohesion. 1. Writing letters and emails.

2. Reading and writing small ads.

3. Telling about an event.

4. Telling the story of a book or a film.
4. Verbal strategies used to avoid miscommunication: asking for repetition, paraphrasing, using general words, approaching, clarifying, asking for help. 1. Making and answering phone calls.

2. Finding or telling the way to a location.
5. Intercultural aspects: daily life, personal relationships, values, beliefs and attitudes, body language, social conventions, ritual behaviours. . Filling out forms.

2. Talking about daily life routines: schedules, meals and activities.

3. Buying and selling.
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