Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
  Artistic production: Audiovisual
   Contingency plan
In front of the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the sanitary alert caused by the *COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will activate in the moment in that the administrations and the own institution determine it attending to criteria of security, health and responsibility, and guaranteeing the teaching in a no face-to-face stage or partially face-to-face. These already scheduled measures guarantee, in the moment that was prescriptive, the development of the teaching of a more agile and effective way when being known in advance (or with a wide *antelación) by the students and the *profesorado through the tool normalised and institutionalised of the educational guides.

* educational Methodologies that keep

Lesson *Magistral.
Masterclass with support of documentation and multimedia systems. Exhibition of the contents of the matter. Paradigmatic examples of the history and the main modalities of the audiovisual art. Analysis of the ontology of the image in movement. Critical analysis of cultural axioms that define the distinct audiovisual devices. Taking of notes and exhibition debated of the same.
Modality: guided. Reverse education.

Work *Tutelado.
Description: the students, individually, will make a work of investigation on a subject proposed or of free election, related with the contents of the matter and that it will have to reflect in a text under the modality of literary Essay.
Modality: guided, with follow-up of the work and continuous evaluation, (so much during the process, as in the final result.)
The students has of sessions of *tutoría to facilitate the follow-up of his work by part of the-educational ace.

* Educational methodologies that modify

Practise of laboratory.
Learning of the handle of the tools of creation (Hardware and Software) involved in the recording, capture, edition and postproduction of the image and the digital sound, by means of manuals, *tutoriales, or classes of demonstration in connection by *videollamada. The students of individual form, will make practical exercises of reinforcement of the knowledges given by means of the use of models of hardware or software that can him facilitate, to which can access for being of free and free access, or with which can explain.
Modality: guided. Continuous evaluation.

It suppresses .

Work *Tutelado.
Description: the students, individually, or in group by means of connection no-face-to-face (maximum 3 people), develops several projects of audiovisual creation related with any of the genders or problematic artistic given in the matter.
Realisation of 2 projects of audiovisual creation, like final work: a work *monocanal based in the keys of the experimental audiovisual art (will be finalised and delivered in the temporary equator of the *cuatrimestre). Another, work *monocanal based in the keys of the audiovisual Essay (will be finalised and delivered at the end of the *cuatrimestre.) His evaluation will be continuous. The personalised attention in this field develops , by part of the-educational ace, by means of virtual classroom.
Modality: guided, with follow-up of the work and continuous evaluation (so much during the process, as in the final result). Linking to his development autonomous activities of the student.
The assistance of the students to the virtual classroom, for his follow-up, will take into account in the evaluation.

* Mechanism no face-to-face of attention to the students (*tutorías)

previous Application of appointment pay attention individual: Classrooms and virtual dispatches.

Utilisation of a calendar of *tutorías *grupales, of compulsory assistance along the *cuatrimestre, for follow-up and evaluation of the advance and evolution of the projects and works that the students has to make to obtain the final qualification of the matter: Classrooms and virtual dispatches.

* Modifications (if they proceed) of the contents to give

* additional Bibliography to facilitate the car-learning

- *Arteleku (*ed.) (2005). Disagreements. Documents for a history of the *Videoarte in the Spanish state. Deputation *Foral of *Guipuzcoa. (Google Academic)
- *Benavides *Téllez, L. (2010) FOUR PROPOSALS ON *VIDEOARTE
And EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA. Madrid: *UCM (Google Academic)
- *Bordwell, D. (1996). "The #narration of art and essay". In, The #narration in the cinema of fiction. Barcelona: *Paidós *Iberica. (
- *Debray, *R. (1994). Life and death of the image. History of the look in occident. Barcelona: *Paidós Communication. (Google Academic)
- Martín, Sylvia (2004). *Videoarte. *Taschen. (Book .Pdf)
- Molina Alarcón, Miguel (2006). Echos of the Audible Art in the Spanish historical avant-garde (1909-1945) in the catalogue of the I Sample of audible art Spanish *MASE. *Lucena-*Córdoba: *Ed. *Sensxperiment. (Consulted for the last time in July of 2020)
- *Murch, *W. (2003) In the moment of the blink. Madrid: Eight and half. (Book .Pdf)
- *Ortega, M L.; *Weinrichter, To. (2006) *Mystère *Marker. Madrid: *T&*B editors (Book .Pdf)
- *Ortíz, To.; *Piqueras, M.*J. (2003). The Painting in the cinema. Questions of visual representation. Barcelona: *Paidós Iberian. (Book .Pdf)
- Sánchez-*Biosca, V. (1996) The cinematographic setting. Barcelona: *Paidós Communication. (Book .Pdf)
- *Val of Omar, José. (1957). Overflow *apanorámico of the image. (Consulted for the last time in July of 2020)
- *Weinrichter, To. (2005) Detours of the real. Madrid: *T&*B editors. (Book .Pdf)

- Manual technicians of use and characteristic of cameras: own Authorship. *Profesorado.
- Manual technicians of Illumination: own Authorship. *Profesorado.
- Manual technicians of use and characteristic of materials related with the recording of sound: own Authorship. *Profesorado.
- *Tutoriales Of use of software of edition and *posproducción of video:
*Tutorial official in English *DAVINCI *RESOLVE 16

* Other modifications

The qualification obtained like final note of the matter will value of the following way: audiovisual Projects (works of classroom) 80%; literary Essay (work *tutelado), 20%.

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* additional Information
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000