Educational guide 2024_25
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grado en Bellas Artes
  Pictorial techniques
Topic Sub-topic
1. You bear and *imprimaciones Different *materiales stop bear pictorial (*rígidos, paper *y flexible). Bases and *imprimaciones *fundamentales. Formulation, manufacture *y application for technical different wools.
2. Basic bases on pictorial techniques *oleaginosas, *acuosas *y dry Painting *al oil, painting *acrílica, watercolour *temple *al *huevo, *aerografía, *serigrafía, waxes, *pasteles *y *lápices of *colores ( *desarrollan technical processes that *sean possible inside *los existing resources limited).
3.- Dissolvent *y *aglutinantes *Naturales *y Synthetic. Water, *trementina, *white *spirit,... Water, oils of *linaza, of *nueces....
4.- *Materiales *y Useful stop he *ejercicio of wool painting *Pigmentos, *resinas, *barnices, oils, addictive, *brochas, *pinceles, *aerógrafos, *espátulas, *tiento,....
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