Guia docente 2024_25
Escuela de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio
Máster Universitario en Enxeñería Aeronáutica
  Design, calculation and certification of aerospace propulsion systems
  Description Qualification Training and Learning Results
Essay questions exam Dous exames baseados na resolución de problemas e/ou preguntas conceptuais
sobre os contidos da materia. O primeiro realizarase en clase e o segundo será en data de exame oficial. Nota
mínima de 5.0. Cada exame valerá o 40% da nota final.
80 B9
Essay Traballo que consiste no deseño dun sistema de propulsión cos conceptos apresos na materia e con presentación en clase 20 B9
Other comments on the Evaluation

First Opportunity Evaluation

To pass the subject on the 1st opportunity, it will be necessary to obtain a grade higher than 5 out of 10 in the overall assessment of continuous evaluation during the course and the exam on the official date. Additionally, the grade for the official exam must be equal to or higher than 5 out of 10. The final grade for continuous evaluation will be determined according to the indicated percentages.

For the overall evaluation, there will be an exam on the official date, which includes all the contents of the subject, including the contents and methods used in the coursework. The passing grade for this exam will be 5 out of 10.

The officially approved schedule of evaluation tests by the EEAE Center Board will be published on the website:

The continuous evaluation tests will be conducted during regular class hours.

Students have the right to choose the overall evaluation procedure and deadline set by the institution for each examination session.

Second Opportunity Evaluation

Students must take the resit exam, which covers all the subject contents and accounts for 100% of the final grade, if the final grade for continuous evaluation is lower than 5 out of 10. They must also take the resit exam in the following cases:

  • Obtaining a grade lower than 5 out of 10 in the final exam of the first opportunity.

If a grade equal to or higher than 5 is obtained in the resit exam, the final grade for the subject will be the higher grade between:

  • The resit exam grade.
  • The average grade from the coursework activities (taking into account the percentage distribution specified in the evaluation table, substituting the grade of the first opportunity exam with the grade of the resit exam).

Final Year Evaluation

For the final year evaluation, there will be an exam on the official date, covering all the subject contents. The passing grade for this exam will be 5 out of 10.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000