The evaluation will be of a continuous nature, unless students waive it through the appropriate official procedure. In this case, the evaluation will be done exclusively by means of a written examination, which will count for 100% of the grade. This specific method of evaluation is called global evaluation. The grade obtained for the laboratory practices (10%) will be retained for the evaluation at the second opportunity and end of degree call. The remaining 90% of the grade will be obtained by means of a written exam, on the dates established by the Center, on theoretical and/or practical content. The laboratory exercises will be evaluated with the indicated value, as long as at least 50% of the possible grade is obtained in the exam. Students who officially renounce continuous assessment In this case, the grade obtained in the final exam will represent 100% of the grade. The student has the right to opt for the global evaluation according to the procedure and the term established by the center for each call. Laboratory practices The classroom part corresponding to each internship is carried out on a specific date, so it is not possible to make up for absences. Those practices in which the student presents an official justification (doctor, court,...) due to unavoidable reasons of force majeure will be excused. Assessment tests The evaluation test schedule officially approved by the EEAE Center Board can be found on the website: The maximum duration of the exam will be 3 hours if there is no break or 5 hours if there is an intermediate break (with a maximum of 3 hours for each part). The use of any electronic device during the evaluation tests will not be allowed unless expressly authorized. The fact of introducing an unauthorized electronic device into the exam room will be considered a reason for failing the subject in this academic year and the overall grade will be fail (0.0). Ethical commitment In case of detection of copying in any of the tests (short tests, partial exams, or final exam) the final grade will be SUSPENSED (0.0) and the fact will be communicated to the Center's management for the appropriate effects. Observation In case of discrepancy in the versions of this guide between languages, the Spanish version prevails. |