Guia docente 2023_24
Escuela de Ingeniería Aeronáutica y del Espacio
Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial
  Information management systems
   Contingency plan

Faced with the uncertain and unpredictable evolution of the health alert caused by COVID-19, the University of Vigo establishes an extraordinary planning that will be activated when the administrations and the institution itself determine it according to criteria of safety, health and responsibility , and guaranteeing teaching in a non-face-to-face or partially face-to-face setting. These measures already planned guarantee, when it is mandatory, the development of teaching in a more agile and efficient way, since it is known in advance (or well in advance) by the students and teachers through the standardized tool and institutionalized teaching guides.


* Teaching methodologies that are maintained
- All

* Teaching methodologies that are modified
- The tutorials will become online, using Remote Campus.
- Face-to-face classes will be taught through Campus Remoto and Moovi, without prejudice to other environments and mechanisms that can be used to guarantee maximum access for students to the contents and materials of the subject.

* Non-face-to-face mechanism of attention to students (tutorials). The tutorials of students of any modality will be attended through the following mechanisms:
- Remote Campus
- Forums of the subject in Moodle
- Email
In all cases, a prior agreement mechanism may be set up to order access to tutorials.

* Modifications (if applicable) of the content to be taught
- None

* Additional bibliography to facilitate self-study
- It is not contemplated

* Other modifications
- They are not contemplated


* Tests already carried out
- The weight is maintained in the final qualification

* Pending tests that remain
- The weight is maintained in the final qualification

* Tests that are modified
- Development question exams => would be done online, using Campus Rmoto and Moovi.

* New tests
- They are not contemplated.

* Additional Information
- It is not contemplated.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000